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001.001.0001 · Item · 10 Jan. 1926
Part of Concordia University of Edmonton Publication Collection

Program consists of a brief history of Concordia College; images of the buildings; faculty, Board of Control and Building Committee members; hymns and readings.

Listed in the program are the members of the first Board of Control: Rev. A. Rehwinkel, Chairman.Rev. E. Eberhardt, Jacob Ulmer, Henry Maschmeyer, and Ed Schmidt.

The faculty members listed include: Rev. A. H. Schwermann, Principal; Prof. A. Rehwinkel, M.A., B.D.; Prof W. A. Baepler, and Prof. J. H. Herreilers. Building Committee members include: Rev. J. C. Mueller, Chairman; Rev. E. Eberhardt, Jacob Ulmer, Sam. Gabert, R. Waechsel, Prof. A. Rehwinkel, Secretary; Rev. F. Pfotenhauer, D. D.; and Henry Horst.

Concordia hockey team
002.02.52 · Item · 1927
Part of Concordia University of Edmonton Photograph Collection

Image depicts the hockey team lined up for a photograph, from left to right: John Wendel, V. Heglsheimer[?], E. Aldhauer[?], W. Abenauer, E. Rentz, H. Burkart, H. Treit[?], [?] Miller, J. Werschler[?], W. Schendel, Phil. K. All names inscribed on back of print.

Concordia Platoon
001.002.0031 · Item · May 1943
Part of Concordia University of Edmonton Publication Collection

Image depicts the Concordia Platoon. Front row, left to right: Carl Schutz, Val Rithler, Alfred Lucht, Walter Miller, John Armbuster, Richard Schultz; Second row: Herman Baron, Birt Krueger, Bill Knipp, Fred Stark, Arthur Hoffoman; Third row: Alfred Stefani, Norman Eifert, Aldred Reinholz, Ejvind Neilsen, Waldeman Dressler, Henry Kuring; Fourth row: Victor Kuring, Donald Thomas, John H. Ulmwer, Edwin Regal, Willard Eifert; back row: Arnold Dyke, Vaughan Johnson, George Rode, Simon Mair.

001.001.0002 · Item · 30 June 1946
Part of Concordia University of Edmonton Publication Collection

Program for the Jubilee Service of the Lutheran Church (Mo. Synod) commemorating the 25th anniversary of the Alberta-British Columbia District and Concordia College includes hymns, prayers and announcements.
Organ prelude by Marvelyn Schwermann. Liturgists include: Rev. A. J. Mueller, Rev. C. C. Janzow, Rev. W. A. Raedeke, and Rev. A. F. Reiner.
Jubilee Chorus conductor: Rev. A. H. Schwermann.

001.001.0019 · Item · 19 Apr. 1953
Part of Concordia University of Edmonton Publication Collection

Program consists of the order of service, participant information, the choirs participating in the Mass Choir, and the designer and construction company of the new gymnasium-auditorium.
The Sermon was preached by the Reverend Dr. Herman Harms. St. Louis, Missouri, First Vice-President of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.
The Address was given by the Reverend Dr. Martin Walker, Buffalo, New York,
Member of Synod s Board for Higher Education.
The Liturgy was conducted by the Reverend Philip Janz, Stony Plain, Alberta, Secretary of the College Board of Control.
The Prayer of Dedication was spoken and the Choir was conducted by the Reverend Dr. Albert H. Schwermann, Principal of Concordia College.
The Organist was Miss Marvelyn Schwermann of St. Peter's Church, Edmonton,

001.001.0008 · Item · 1961
Part of Concordia University of Edmonton Publication Collection

Poster includes images of the campus, President Roland A. Frantz, Albert A. Schwermann, a sports team and the Concordia Choir, as well as information about the anniversary.
Printed on poster:

"In these forty years 170 Concordia students have entered the service of the church, 126 pastors, 44 teachers. Of these sixty are now serving the Lord in Canada.
The anniversary thank offering is to flow into the Church Extension Fund of each District. The interest of the fund will be used by the college to provide aid for boys and girls who are preparing themselves for the ministry or the teaching profession in the church.
We invite you to work with us, to pray with us, to visit our campus and take part in our celebration if possible, to observe the anniversary in your congregation, and to thank God for His many blessings to Concordia."