Sub-series consists of the Blue and White and the Bolt newsletter, published by the Concordia Students' Association, with articles, advertisements and announcements for the Concordia University of Edmonton student body.
File consists of meeting minutes.
File consists of financial correspondence including budgeting, wages, tuition fees, cost of board, operating expenses, Edmonton Mortgage Corporation correspondence, Fire Insurance Company correspondence and balance sheets.
File consists of correspondence regarding property and buildings, including building plans and costs.
File consists of meeting minutes mostly in German, but include repairs, outstanding fees and a 1933 financial statement and board account.
File consists of Emergency Collection Committee reports, minutes, newsletter and correspondence.
File consists of a record of A.H Schwermann's trips by year, including mileage.
File consists of correspondence.
File consists of correspondence.
File consists of correspondence and purchase of lots in the Belleview area.
File consists of annual report and academic programs.
File consists of annual reports on academic programs.
File consists of minutes and correspondence.
File consists of minutes, correspondence, report and Teacher Evaluation Proposal "Toward Improving Instruction."
File consists of COMPAC, the Concordia Master Plan Advisory Committee, proposed recommendations.
File consists of minutes, correspondence and reports including proposed and approved budgets and other institutional information.
File consists of minutes, correspondence and reports.
File consists of the president's annual report including academic affairs, student life, business and financial management, public relations, admissions and recruitment, development and alumni relations, and looking to the future.
File consists of minutes, correspondence and reports. Includes gymnasium fire.
File consists of minutes, correspondence and reports and includes Capital Appeal re: affiliation with University of Alberta.
File consists of Concordia College Gymnasium construction and correspondence.
Series consists of material from the Board of Control, Board of Regents and the Board for Higher Education Lutheran Church Missouri Synod.
File consists of meeting minutes.
File consists of mostly German correspondence.
File consists of record of victuals.
File consists of the Professor Search Committee correspondence.
File consists of the Indigent Student Board minutes.
File consists of correspondence including insurance correspondence and court transcripts regarding taxation of the professors housing on campus.
File consists of the tax case (Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod) correspondence including correspondence in 1932 regarding the court case of whether or not to tax Concordia residence buildings.
File consists of Secretary Correspondence re: calls including nominating new professors for vacant positions, courses, languages needed (Greek, Latin, German), travelling expenses and salary.
File consists of minutes regarding budgeting, tuition and board increase, student enrolment, renovation costs of boy's dormitory, rental fee schedule, repairs, salaries and announcements about Dr. A. H. Schwermann.
File consists of annual reports on academic programs including information about curriculum, research, faculty, testing, library, summer school, etc.
File consists of the report Lengthening the Cords, A Faculty Self-Study - The Future Role of Concordia College. This covers Concordia’s philosophy, objectives, and history, those who taught and who learned, its curriculum and library, services to students, administering and financing, and looking to the future.
File consists of minutes and correspondence, and includes land transfer from LCMS.
File consists of minutes, correspondence, reports and the program for the High School Commencement.
File consists of COMPAC, the Concordia Master Plan Advisory Committee minutes and reports.
File consists of COMPAC, the Concordia Master Plan Advisory Committee, minutes, reports and proposed recommendations.
File consists of COMPAC, the Concordia Master Plan Advisory Committee, Canadian needs - Concordia's Future, Volume Two: Supporting Information.
File consists of minutes, correspondence and reports including trial balance, comparison of income to budget projections for 8 months, and student retention rates (1970-75).
File consists of minutes, correspondence, reports and includes incorporating of College.
File consists of minutes and correspondence.
File consists of minutes and correspondence.
File consists of the President's Annual Report to the Board of Control (1976-1977).
File consists of by-laws - second and third drafts.
File consists of Building Committee Concordia College photographs, correspondence, blueprints, drawings.
File consists of The Work of Concordia College (Air View of Concordia College), Concordia College Gymnasium, correspondence and specifications.
File consists of meeting minutes.
File consists of mostly German correspondence.
File consists of correspondence regarding property and buildings.
File consists of material from the Emergency Collection Committee.
File consists of the Emergency Collection Committee reports, minutes, and correspondence including money collection report, appointing the committee, bible teachings and encouragement of working together during the Depression, Sept. 1932 Emergency Collection Bulletin giving notes on the other circuit meetings and financial statements of 1932 with budget receipts.
File consists of secretary correspondence.
File consists of Board of Electors minutes discussing and choosing new staff members.
File consists of minutes.
File consists of minutes and correspondence regarding general building repairs, building a proper skating rink, paving areas of Concordia, Rev. Roland Frantz accepting the call to be the new president, Statement of Objectives of Concordia College and the Oct. 1961 amendment of Article VI of “Contract Agreement.”
File consists of minutes, repairs, tuition, affiliation with the University of Alberta, and the 1967 President report.
File consists of Report - Proposal to Affiliate College Division with University of Alberta. This covers an overview of Concordia, the curriculum, enrolment, faculty, library, school plant and further areas of study.
File consists of correspondence and minutes. Includes information about repairs, staff replacements, sabbaticals, resolution re: the definition of tenure, salary and housing information, and the 1973 members of Board of Control.
File consists of minutes, correspondence and reports.
File consists of COMPAC, the Concordia Master Plan Advisory Committee, minutes and reports.
File consists of COMPAC, the Concordia Master Plan Advisory Committee, minutes and reports.
File consists of minutes, correspondence, and reports. Includes Manitoba and Saskatchewan District Resolution re: Concordia College Support.
File consists of minutes and correspondence.
File consists of the Annual Report the Academic Program (1977-1978).
File consists of material from the Emergency Committee.
File consists of budgeting correspondence.
File consists of a general ledger, including a completed audit of books and accounts for 1928 with balance sheet attached.
File consists of Arrangement Committee correspondence including letters asking for donations, informing individuals that the college will be dedicated to the Service of the Lord on January 6, 1925.
File consists of Arrangement Committee donations and correspondence.
File consists of program proposal and second-year transfer program.
File consists of Annual Report on The Academic Program 1973-1975 covering curriculum, course changes, course enrolments, faculty, academic services, and analysis of the teaching load.
File consists of minutes, correspondence and reports including 1970-1974 statement of general funds, statement of fund expenditures, land acquisition program 1975/76, status of dormitory occupation, enrolment questionnaire results, proposed schedule of fees and proposed budget.
File consists of minutes, correspondence, and reports.
File consists of Annual Report on the Academic Program (1976-1977).