File consists of Constitution and Minutes (1942-1960), and Constitution (1983).
File consists of the Concordian.
File consists of alumni news.
File consists of correspondence regarding the 2004 reunion. Includes information, events, registration forms.
File consists of information and newsletter.
File consists of 50th Anniversary and alumni service folder.
File consists of college graduates information.
Fonds consists of material from the Student Association, including from the student council, student association, conference information, student newsletter copies and related information, yearbook copies and related information, various student committees and clubs material. Committees and clubs include the Athletic Committee, Chapel, Fraternity, Drama Club, Foreign Student Association, Junior Red Cross Club, Native Students Club, Literary Society/Committee, Music Appreciation Club, Men's Dorm Council and Women's Dorm Council.
File consists of minutes.
File consists of president's logbook.
File consists of activity book, includes membership.
File consists of programs, Athletic Banquet.
Series consists of Christmas pageant program and scripts, play scripts, and other programs.
File consists of Chrismas Pageants and programs.
File consists of programs.
File consists of Coetus Book - minutes.
File consists of brief minutes.
File consists of minutes.
File consists of Radio Program CFRN, "Teens and Umpteens Color Day."
File consists of Aurora newsletters.
File consists of Aurora newsletters.
File consists of Aurora newsletters, and includes copies of "Quint-A-Gram."
File consists of Aurora newsletters.
File consists of Aurora newsletters.
File consists of Aurora newsletters.
File consists of Aurora newsletters (January-July) and the Aurora Borealis (Summer).
File consists of the Aurora Borealis newsletters.
File consists of the Aurora Borealis newsletters.
File consists of the Aurora Borealis newsletters and Aurora newsletters.
File consists of Aurora newsletters.
Series consists of the Concordia College Blue & White, and yearbooks titled Concordia College, the Canadian, Corona Borealis, Reflections and Spiritus.
File consists of the Concordia College Blue and White.
File consists of the Concordia University College Blue and White.
File consists of the Blue & White.
File consists of the Concordia College yearbook.
File consists of the Concordia College yearbook.
File consists of the Corona Borealis yearbook.
File consists of the Corona Borealis yearbook.
File consists of the Concordia College yearbook.
File consists of the Concordia College yearbook.
File consists of the Spiritus yearbook.
File consists of the Concordia College yearbook, A Hope and a Future.
File consists of the Concordia College yearbook, Spiritus, Imagine.
File consists of Concordia College yearbook, Spiritus, Discovery.
File consists of Concordia College yearbook, Spiritus, A Place for You.
File consists of Concordia College yearbook, Spiritus, Harmony.
The collection consists of materials donated by Marvelyn Voight (nee Schwermann), Dr. A. H. Schwermann's daughter. Materials include programs for concerts held at, and by, Concordia College; newsletters; images; and other materials relating to Concordia College.
File consists of newspaper clippings celebrating 90 years at Christ Lutheran Church at Mellowdale, affiliated with Dr. Albert H. Schwermann, president of Concordia College. Email from Fred and Marvelyn Voight to Rev. Darren Siegle, subject: "Life and Activities in a Mission Parish at Mellowdale, Alberta, Canada 1913-1916" provides written statement about Dr. A. H. Schwermann's history. Event program is for "90 Years in Christ, at Christ Lutheran Church, Mellowdale, AB. 1911-2001 Afternoon Worship"
Concordia College Male Choir listed under "Community Singing of Christmas Carols" on Thursday, 16 Dec. at 7:45 pm.
The Lutheran Choral Society of Edmonton and District presents its Second Annual Program of Sacred Music under the direction of Dr. A. H. Schwermann in the Concordia Auditorium on Sunday, April 24th, 1955 3;00 pm. Miss Marvelyn Schwermann, Organist; Miss Anna Behrends, Pianist; Mr. Theodore Frank, Conductor of the Band. Invocation: Rev. Walter M. Wagnerin, Principal, Concordia College. Members of the Lutheran Choral Society of Edmonton and District include the Concordia Choristers, directed by Dr. A. H. Schwermann, Orangist: Miss Anna Behrends.
Held in the Jubillee Auditorium on 11 May, and the High School Auditorium at Jasper Alberta, 18 May. under the direction of Dr. A. H. Schwermann.
Concordia Choristers and Concordia Male Chorus are listed under "Community Singing of Christmas Carols" Monday, 14 Dec. at 7:45 pm.
Featuring The Chorale Group; The Cantata Group; Miss Marvelyn Schwermann, A.R.C.T, Conductor; Miss Carlene Helmcamp, B. Sc.Ed. Assistant Accompanist. Guest performance by the Band of the Princess Patricia Canadian Light Infantry; Captain H. A. Jeffrey, C.D., A.R.C.M, L.G.S.M., Director of Music.
Director: Dr. A Barry Bromley and accompanist: Anne Fraser.
File consists of the Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly, the Concordian, and the Highlands Historical Foundation Newsletters.
Title: Canada's Concordia Seeks Afiliated Status with U of A [University of Alberta].
Title article: Concordia University College Celebrates 75 Years: Now a widely respected institution, Concordia began as a tiny Lutheran school. Includes historical information.
File consists of program proposal and second-year transfer program.
File consists of Annual Report on The Academic Program 1973-1975 covering curriculum, course changes, course enrolments, faculty, academic services, and analysis of the teaching load.
File consists of minutes, correspondence and reports including 1970-1974 statement of general funds, statement of fund expenditures, land acquisition program 1975/76, status of dormitory occupation, enrolment questionnaire results, proposed schedule of fees and proposed budget.
File consists of minutes, correspondence, and reports.
File consists of Annual Report on the Academic Program (1976-1977).
File consists of Professors Houses correspondence, specifications and tenders.
File consists of Concordia College Gymnasium correspondence and dedication.
Ledger consists of expenses and transactions of alphabetically organized institutional accounts.
Series consists of material from the President's Office and includes Dr. Albert H. Schwermann, Walter M. Wangerin, Arnold Guebert, Alfred R. Roth and Orville C. Walz.
File consists of correspondence, administration.
File consists of correspondence, Student Accounts "H-M" - alumni - recruitment.
File consists of correspondence, Herzer Memorial Chapel Fund - individuals.
File consists of correspondence, Herzer Memorial Chapel Fund - congregations and organizations.
File consists of dedication - Herzer Memorial Chapel Fund.
File consists of correspondence - Edmonton Telephones.
File consists of correspondence, condolence letters.
File consists of correspondence, reports - publications - book reviews.
File consists of correspondence, district - churches - radio.
File consists of correspondence and includes Herzer Fund contribution.
File consists of correspondence, students.
File consists of correspondence, parents - students and newsletters.
File consists of correspondence, students.
File consists of brief - Curriculum Revision for Ministerial Students.
File consists of correspondence, students.
File consists of correspondence.
File consists of correspondence.
File consists of correspondence - Department of Education.
File consists of correspondence, students.
File consists of correspondence.
File consists of correspondence, Guild.
File consists of reference file, University of Alberta Senate Task Force on Entrance Requirements Report, newspaper clippings and curriculum bulletin.
File consists of correspondence.
File consists of essay - Report of Sverre Norborg's Varieties of Christian Experience.
File consists of correspondence, documents - High School Accreditation.
File consists of correspondence, Department of Advanced Education.
File consists of correspondence re: Frantz funeral.
File consists of correspondence re: Task Force Saskatoon Seminary.
File consists of projections - Estimated Demand for Professional Workers 1977-1990.
File consists of memos to faculty.
File consists of correspondence, documents - High School Accreditation.
File consists of correspondence, Lutheran Church-Canada, general.
File consists of correspondence, Treasurers Office, Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.