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001.003.0014 · Item · 10 May 2003
Part of Concordia University of Edmonton Publication Collection

Program includes a welcome and history, academic dress, the order of the processional, the convocation program, the presentation, the admission, a list of graduates from the sixteenth graduating class, the participants, the Christo et Ecclesiae Award, the Distinguished Service Award and Convocation Speaker, the Distinguished Alumni Award, the national anthem, the alma mater, and the Concordia hymn.

Participants include: Rev. Dr. Garry L. Dombrosky, Mr. Alan Huehn, Mr. Franklin L. Kobie, Dr. Catherine I. Eddy, Dr. Deborah R. Hemmerling, Dr. Richard W. Kraemer, Dr. June A. McConaghy, Dr. Neil W. Querengesser, Dr. Marilyn L. Westbury, Dr. Richard A. Willie, Susanne Elisabeth Greenhowe, Rev. Dr. Roger E. Winger, and Ms. Mildred L. Schwermann.

003.03.11 · Item · 3 May 1959
Part of Marvelyn Voight Collection

The Lutheran Choral Society of Edmonton and District presents its Sixth Annual Program of Sacred Music under the direction of Dr. A. H. Schwermann in the Concordia Auditorium at Edmonton, Alberta on Sunday, May 3, 1959 3:00 pm. and The High School Auditorium at Jasper Park, Alberta on Sunday, May 17, 1959 8:30 pm. Miss Marvelyn Schwermann, Accompanist. Included in choir list: the Concordia Choristers.

Sixth Graduation Convocation
001.003.0005 · Item · 1 May 1993
Part of Concordia University of Edmonton Publication Collection

Program includes a welcome and history, academic dress, the order of the processional, academic dress, the order of the processional, the convocation program, the presentation, the admission, a list of graduates of the sixth graduating class, the participants, the convocation speaker, the Christo et Ecclesiae Award, the national anthem, the alma mater and the Concordia hymn.

Participants include: Dr. Sheri A. Dalton, Dr. Neil W. Querengesser, Prof. Wayne J.H. Stuhlmiller, Dr. Catherine I. Eddy, Dr. Bonar A. Gow, Rev. Dr. Roy K. Holm, Prof. Ronald W. Jones, President Richard W. Kraemer, Dr. Neil W. Querengesser, Dr. Walter M. Wangerin, William McKie, Sylvia McKie, and Prof. Gordon Hafso.

001.003.0031 · Item · 19 May 1989
Part of Concordia University of Edmonton Publication Collection

Program includes a schedule of events, the order of worship, the participants, the processional, national anthem, invocation, salutatory address, a hymn, introduction of the commencement speaker, the commencement address, awarding of the diplomas, valedictory address, the Christo et Ecclesiae Award, the Alumni Association welcome, alma mater, the president's message, the prayer and benediction, recessional, and a list of graduates from the class of 1989.

Participants include: Rev. Richard Kraemer, Rev. Mark Sallach, Rev. Wayne Stuhlmiller, Dr. Judith C. Meier, Rev. Warren Steckelberg, Mr. Neil Fenske, Rev. Lester H. Gierach, and Rev. Larry MacKay.

001.003.0032 · Item · 18 May 1990
Part of Concordia University of Edmonton Publication Collection

Program consists of a schedule of events, the order of worship, the participants, the processional, national anthem, invocation, salutatory address, hymn, introduction of the commencement speaker, the commencement address, awarding of diplomas, the valedictory address, the Distinguished Service Award, Alumni Association welcome, alma mater, the president's message, prayer and benediction, recessional, and a list of graduates from the class of 1990.

Participants include: Rev. Richard Kraemer, Mr. William Quast, Dr. Judith C. Meier, Dr. Edward Kettner, Dr. Orville Walz, Mr. Neil Fenske, Mr. Michael Bieber and Mr. Arnold Dyke. · Item · Dec. 2012
Part of Concordia University of Edmonton Publication Collection

Table of contents: Come hear us this Christmas season! -- School of Music Wish List -- Concordia Concert Choir -- Christmas Kaleidoscope

Christmas concert event information for the Concert Choir, La Folia String Ensemble, Festival City Winds Music Society, Christmas Bureau Caroling, Community Chorus and Jubiloso! Bells of Concordia at locations including Fort Edmonton Park, the Provincial Legislature Building, the Winspear Centre, Trinity Lutheran Church and First Presbyterian Church.
Faculty and staff mentioned in this issue include Dr. Joy Berg, Dr. John Brough, Josephine van Lier and Liane Gayler. · Item · Dec. 2012
Part of Concordia University of Edmonton Publication Collection

Table of contents: More Christmas cheer from the School of Music! -- Winter Winds -- Christmas Lunchtime Concerts
Announcements include concert information for performances at McDougall United Church and the Morinville Community Cultural Centre.
Faculty and Staff mentioned in this issue include Dr. Joy Berg, Jolaine Kerley, Mireille Rijavec, Jordan van Biert and Wendy J. Grasdahl. · Item · Jan. 2013
Part of Concordia University of Edmonton Publication Collection

Table of contents: Tune in to M440! Applying Music to Life -- Psalmfest : Psalms for all seasons -- Concert Choir's Silent Auctionn -- Evening of Dance

Psalmfest: Psalms for all seasons poster announces involvement from the King's University, Concordia University College of Alberta and other organizations performing at the West End Christian Reformed Church.

Faculty and staff mentioned in this issue include Sylvia Shaddick-Taylor, Wendy J. Grasdahl, Dr. Zoltan Berkes, Jody Stark and Mireille Rijavec. · Item · Mar. 2013
Part of Concordia University of Edmonton Publication Collection

Table of contents: plug into Music Days -- Worship & Music Symposium 2013 -- "Gathering Places"

Faculty and staff mentioned in this issue include Jolaine Kerley, Dr. John Brough, Mireille Rijavec, Dr. Joy Berg, Caroline Howarth, Dr. Zoltan Berkes, Dr. Randy Ritz, Dr. Conrad Van Dyk and Dr. Wendy J. Grasdahl. · Item · Apr. 2013
Part of Concordia University of Edmonton Publication Collection

Table of contents: Singspiration 2013 -- "METRIX" -- In the footsteps of Jesus and Debbie Rice!

The Sounding Board announces Jubiloso! Bells of Concordia conductor Debbie Rice leading ringers participating in the first international handbell festival including concerts in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Haifa and Nazareth.

Festival City Winds presents "Metro," with guests University of Alberta Saxophone Quartet.