File consists of items removed from Fraser Cabin, leaf from book on lenses.
File consists of items removed from Fraser Cabin, playing cards.
File consists of items removed from Fraser Cabin, bill of sale from Edmonton Planing Mill.
File consists of items removed from Fraser Cabin, correspondence.
File consists of items removed from Fraser Cabin including fragment of music, receipt from Dominion Express Company (1905), receipt from Edmonton Bulletin (1900), statement from Ross Brothers, Traders and Trappers Supplies (1892).
File consists of research, administration and correspondence.
File consists of Business Manager, job descriptions - non-instructional staff.
File consists of Business Manager, workmen's compensation forms, regulations, correspondence and accident reports.
File consists of Business Manager, payroll adjustments, reports to Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.
File consists of Business Manager, inter-office memos.
File consists of Business Office, postage machines, licenses and brochures.
File consists of Business Office, printing costs, office expenses, phone lists (samples).
File consists of Business Office, registered mail book.
File consists of Business Office, donations College Guild funds.
File consists of Business Office, canteen, correspondence and invoices.
File consists of Business Office, correspondence re: Provincial Government Grants.
File consists of Business Office, property purchase, sales, transfers and Land Titles Office.
File consists of Business Office - plant development - maintenance, President's Office - men's dormitory - architect's drawings.
File consists of Business Office, maintenance, President's Office, correspondence, renovations, architectural drawings - Boys Dormitory, Guild Hall - Schwermann Hall.
File consists of Business Office, maintenance, insurance policy - Girls Dorm and Certificate of Occupancy.
File consists of Business Office, Report of Board of Control.
File consists of Business Office, accounting, annual report - Synodical Colleges and Seminaries.
File consists of Business Office, accounting, examination of accounts - Board of Higher Education (LCMS).
File consists of Business Office, audit report (LCMS), supplemental report.
File consists of Business Office, audited financial statement.
File consists of Business Office, audited financial statement and other financial information.
File consists of Constitution material.
File consists of donations.
File consists of mailings and correspondence.
File consists of mailings and correspondence.
Series consists of programs and fundraisers held by the Guild.
File consists of "College Days" programs.
File consists of programs.
File consists of business records.
Series consists of copies of alumni newsletters.
File consists of the Corral.
File consists of Canada's Concordia.
File consists of the Ol' Aurora Borealis.
Series consists of alumni correspondence, and active service volunteer records.
File consists of correspondence re: Schwermann Hall naming and new building.
File consists general correspondence and holiday cards.
File consists of newsletters and correspondence.
File consists of Reiner correspondence to alumni.
File consists of information from the 2004 reunion. Includes pictures for reunion are from 1957-1963.
File consists of correspondence, reunion and banquet.
File consists of correspondence, reunion, banquet and newsletters.
File consists of correspondence, timeline schedule, agenda, brochure and contracts.
File consists of Concordia College Edmonton Alumnae/i Directory.
File consists of Posters - Concordian, and photo - Theatrical Group.
File consists of minutes.
File consists of meeting materials.
File consists of reports.
File consists of Leadership Conference and student-faculty relationships material.
File consists of Lutheran Student Leaders' Conference material.
File consists of crests.
File consists of Aurora Borealis records.
File consists of photographs.
File consists of United Way Campaign Committee agendas and reports.
File consists of Blue and White advertising.
File consists of minute book.
File consists of Worship Committee material.
File consists of programs.
File consists of programmes.
Series consists of the newsletters Aurora, Aurora Borealis, and "Quint-a-gram."
File consists of Aurora newsletters.
File consists of Aurora newsletters.
File consists of Aurora newsletters.
File consists of Aurora newsletters.
File consists of the Aurora Borealis newsletters.
File consists of Aurora newsletters.
File consists of Aurora newsletters.
File consists of the Aurora Borealis newsletters.
File consists of the Concordia College yearbook.
File consists of the Concordia College yearbook.
File consists of the Corona Borealis yearbook.
File consists of the Corona Borealis yearbook.
File consists of the Corona Borealis yearbook.
File consists of the Corona Borealis yearbook.
File consists of the Corona Borealis yearbook.
File consists of the Corona Borealis yearbook, Centennial Edition.
File consists of the Corona Borealis yearbook.
File consists of the Corona Borealis yearbook.
File consists of the Corona Borealis yearbook, Golden Anniversary Issue.
File consists of the Corona Borealis yearbook.
File consists of the Concordia yearbook.
File consists of the Reflections yearbook.
File consists of the Concordia College yearbook, Celebrate.
Installation of Walter V. Schienbein and Miss Marlys Ross. 3:00 pm at Concordia College Auditorium.
Booklet accompanied by newspaper clipping about Schwermann Hall declared a historic site, and response letter from Dr. Albert Schwermann in response to receiving the Christo et Ecclesiae award during the commencement ceremony.
File consists of images collected by Marvelyn (Schwermann) Voight of students and faculty of Concordia College.
Directed by Dr. Albert H. Schwermann in the Golden Jubilee Auditorium. Concordia Choristers listed as part of the 9 participating choirs, and includes a list of choir member's names and their positions.
The Lutheran Choral Society of Edmonton and District presents its Sixth Annual Program of Sacred Music under the direction of Dr. A. H. Schwermann in the Concordia Auditorium at Edmonton, Alberta on Sunday, May 3, 1959 3:00 pm. and The High School Auditorium at Jasper Park, Alberta on Sunday, May 17, 1959 8:30 pm. Miss Marvelyn Schwermann, Accompanist. Included in choir list: the Concordia Choristers.
Held at the Concordia Auditorium on 15 May 1960 under the direction of Dr. A. H. Schwermann.
Held in the Concordia Auditorium, conducted by Dr. Albert H. Schwermann and Miss Marvelyn Schwermann, assistant conductor. Miss Carlene Helmcamp, Organist, Mr. Donald Thompson, Trumpeter. Concordia Chapel Choir is listed as a participant, amongst other Lutheran Choral Society members.
Event held at Concordia College.
Newsletter contains news and articles. Mrs. Hilda Robinson listed as the district representative for Alberta and British Columbia District (p. 96).
Relevant article title page and page 6: The Career and Legacy of Alfred M. Rehwinkel (A Reconsideration) by Ralph L. Moellering, Ph.D.
The scrapbook contains documents, items and images from Marilyn Scott's first and second years attending Concordia in grade ten and grade eleven.