File consists of communications and correspondence. Includes donations, correspondence re: Concordia's choir, general correspondence and newsletters.
File consists of Communications and correspondence to pastors.
File consists of communications, news release, general gym repair information, event information (musical drama, choir), hiring of a dormitory counsellor and Project Venite.
File consists of communications, correspondence.
File consists of communications, information bulletins.
File consists of communications, information bulletins.
File consists of Communications, Information Bulletins, Scrapbook: (1961-1962), Scrapbook: Seminario Concordia - Porto Alegre, Brazil (1903-1953).
File consists of development and correspondence - Letter to Foundations.
File consists of Development, Frantz Memorial.
File consists of development, correspondence re: donors, and development report to faculty.
File consists of development, Benefit Concert re: Gym Fire.
File consists of development, Concordia Capital Appeal.
File consists of development, Concordia Master Plan Advisory Committee minutes and reports.
File consists of development, Concordia Master Plan Advisory Committee reports.
File consists of development, Capital Expansion Finance Committee.
File consists of development, Concordia College Module 1 - Gymnasium, and specifications.
File consists of development, Science Floor - Alumni Hall, Electrical Specifications.
File consists of development, Science Floor Addition - Alumni Hall - Module 2.
Series consists of Dean of Student Affairs material including material from Admissions, Enrollment, Indigent Student Board, Concordia Choirs, Student Life Committee, Dean of Women, school papers, yearbooks and Public Relations and Recruitment.
File consists of course offerings and newspaper advertisements.
File consists of admissions, student applications.
File consists of Enrollment statistics.
File consists of Enrollment statistics.
File consists of Enrollment statistics.
File consists of Enrollment statistics.
File consists of Indigent Student Board correspondence.
File consists of correspondence, memos and guidelines.
File consists of counsellors - women and men, correspondence and guidelines.
File consists of Lutheran Student Leadership Conference material.
File consists of Student Activities Programs, Social/Talent Nights, Campus Family Banquet, "Nightclub", A+ (Spiritual and Cultural Enrichment).
File consists of Concordia Choirs, Concordia Choir, correspondence - itineraries.
File consists of Concordia Choirs, Concordia Male Chorus, correspondence - itineraries - constitution.
File consists yearbook correspondence.
File consists of the school paper, Aurora.
File consists of the school paper, Aurora.
File consists of the school paper, Aurora.
File consists of the school paper, Aurora.
File consists of the yearbook, Concordia College - Anniversary Yearbook.
File consists of the yearbook, Concordia College.
File consists of the yearbook, Concordia College.
File consists of the yearbook, Concordia College.
File consists of the yearbook, Concordia College - Corona Borealis.
File consists of the yearbook, Concordia College - Corona Borealis.
File consists of the yearbook, Concordia College - Golden Anniversary.
File consists of yearbook, Concordia College - Corona Borealis.
File consists of the yearbook, Concordia College - Corona Borealis.
File consists of the yearbook, Concordia College.
File consists of the yearbook, Corona Borealis.
File consists of the yearbook, Reflections.
File consists of the yearbook, Concordia College - Perspectives.
File consists of the yearbook, Concordia College - Harmony.
File consists of the yearbook, Concordia University College of Alberta.
File consists of correspondence, newsletters, Alumni Publication "Canada's Concordia", Volume 1, Issue 1.
File consists of Public Relations and Recruitment correspondence.
File consists of Academic Dean syllabus and units I-VI, Education 101 (1962) and the publication "Ethics of a Lutheran Teacher" (1955).
File consists of Academic Dean correspondence.
File consists of Registrar registration.
File consists of Registrar, statistical analysis.
File consists of Registrar, evaluation of transferring students (Alberta Education).
File consist of Registrar, class schedules.
File consists of Registrar, catalogs and announcements.
File consists of Registrar, Opening Service bulletins.
File consists of bulletins, installations - Memorial Services.
File consists of Registrar, early report cards - evaluations.
File consists of Registrar, requests for transcripts and marks for departmental standing.
File consists of Religion Department tests.
File consists of Athletic Department, sports - game schedules, and newspaper clippings.
File consists of Athletic Department schedules, correspondence, newsletters and memos.
File consists of Drama Department, programs - Plays, Operetta, Oratorios, memos, tickets and posters.
File consists of examinations, High School Departmentals (Alberta Education).
File consists of Library, proposed plan, report and budget.
File consists of Library, Module I: Temporary Library.
File consists of Library, Long Range Planning Committee, financial statement - spreadsheets.
File consists of Library, Faculty Retreat, report.
File consists of Library, Academic Dean, President.
File consists of Library, correspondence.
File consists of Library, budget allocations - reference.
File consists of Library budgets.
File consists of Library, University of Alberta Library Loan Agreement.
File consists of Library, King's College Library Loan Agreement.
File consists of Library Fines Policy.
File consists of Library Circulation Procedures.
File consists of Library bookmarks, guides and brochures.
File consists of Library memos to faculty and staff.
File consists of Library notices.
File consists of Library Special Collections - Hilda Schwermann Memorial Collection.
File consists of Library Special Collections - President Frantz Memorial Collection.
File consists of Library Collections - Periodicals Survey.
File consists of Library Collections, book donations, general.
File consists of Library Collections, book donations, personal donations.
File consists of Library Special Collections - book plates.
File consists of Library Antioch Bookplates - samples.
File consists of Library, COPPUL (Council of Prairie and Pacific University Libraries) business plan.
File consists of Library, library notices "The Concordia Courier."
File consists of Library periodicals.
File consists of Library Accession Records (5801 - 10700).
File consists of Library Accessions.
File consists of Fraser Cabin file - Concordia College administrative correspondence and duplicate copy: Certificate of Title.
File consists of Fraser Cabin Property - land deeds (copies).
File consists of items removed from Fraser Cabin, correspondence re: petroleum prospecting.