File consists of Business Office, accounting, annual report - Synodical Colleges and Seminaries.
File consists of Business Office, accounting, examination of accounts - Board of Higher Education (LCMS).
File consists of Business Office, audit report (LCMS), supplemental report.
File consists of Business Office, audited financial statement.
File consists of Business Office, audited financial statement and other financial information.
File consists of Business Manager correspondence.
File consists of Business Manager correspondence and fire safety - includes Concordia College fire drill.
File consists of Business Manager, correspondence - Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod Pensions.
File consists of Business Office, Operations Manual, Project Serve : Lutheran Schools (2 of 3).
File consists of Business Office, original forms re: timetables, fundraising.
File consists of Business Office, food services.
File consists of Business Office, buildings, architectural drawings - Girls Dorm, Boys Dorm renovations, president's residence.
File consists of Business Office, property purchase, sales, transfers, photographs.
File consists of Business Office, maintenance, Girls Dorm Annex, correspondence and architectural drawings.
File consists of Business Office, accounting, proposed budget.
File consists of Business Office, accounting, annual report - Synodical Colleges and Seminaries.
File consists of Business Office, accounting, annual report - Synodical Colleges and Seminaries.
File consists of Business Office, accounting, financial reports.
File consists of Business Office, accounting, financial reports.
File consists of Business Office, accounting, financial reports.
File consists of Business Office, accounting, examination of accounts - Board of Higher Education (LCMS).
File consists of Business Office, accounting, examination of accounts - Board of Higher Education (LCMS).
File consists of Business Office, audit report (LCMS).
File consists of Business Office, audit report (LCMS).
File consists of Business Office audited financial statement, audited financial statement and other financial information.
File consists of Rehwinkel, roadway designation, correspondence from The City of Edmonton.
File consists of research, administration and correspondence.
File consists of research correspondence - ABC District.
File consists of items removed from Fraser Cabin, copy of Lacroix de Ste. Anne, sketch of missionary, in Cree.
File consists of items removed from Fraser Cabin, cover of album - damaged - design in colour.
File consists of policies, forms and regulations.
File consists of John Fraser - biographical information, reference material and correspondence.
File consists of items removed from Fraser Cabin, original document in Cree and a copy of same document.
File consists of items removed from Fraser Cabin, receipt from Department of Interior to John Fraser.
File consists of Fraser Cabin file - Concordia College administrative correspondence and duplicate copy: Certificate of Title.
File consists of Fraser Cabin Property - land deeds (copies).
File consists of items removed from Fraser Cabin, correspondence re: petroleum prospecting.
File consists of items removed from Fraser Cabin, leaf from book on lenses.
File consists of items removed from Fraser Cabin, playing cards.
File consists of items removed from Fraser Cabin, bill of sale from Edmonton Planing Mill.
File consists of items removed from Fraser Cabin, correspondence.
File consists of items removed from Fraser Cabin including fragment of music, receipt from Dominion Express Company (1905), receipt from Edmonton Bulletin (1900), statement from Ross Brothers, Traders and Trappers Supplies (1892).
File consists of administrative correspondence.
File consists of Fraser Cabin transfer documents and correspondence.
File consists of items removed from Fraser Cabin, correspondence from Department of the Interior.
File consists of items removed from Fraser Cabin, fragment of leaf from a catalogue.
File consists of items removed from Fraser Cabin, statement, from H. C. Taylor, Barrister re: mortgage, to Fraser.
File consists of items removed from Fraser Cabin, letter - page 3 and 4 only, signature damaged.
File consists of Academic Dean correspondence with Board for Higher Education (LCMS).
File consists of Registrar, Projected Enrollments - Enrollment Statistics.
File consists of Registrar, enrollment.
File consists of Registrar, exam schedules.
File consists of Registrar, graduation speakers.
File consists of graduation and commencement procedures, programs, bulletins and Graduation Banquet program.
File consists of Roth Inauguration bulletin, invitation, procedures and guests.
File consists of class schedules.
File consists of Athletic Department, athletic newsletter, newsletter: The Athletic Supporter.
File consists of Athletic Department, athletic handbook.
File consists of Drama Department, "The Singing School" a farce in two acts, program.
File consists of teaching load material, Dr. Albert H. Schwermann.
File consists of Class Plan Book Part I, Dr. Albert H. Schwermann.
File consists of Library, Guebert Memorial Library - Master Plan.
File consists of Library, Library Expansion - Building Committee, minutes, reports, correspondence and expansion plans.
File consists of Library, Arnold Guebert Library, groundbreaking.
File consists of Library, Ad Hoc Library Committee, Second Year Affiliation, University of Alberta, Faculty Meeting Minutes - Library Reports.
File consists of Library, University of Alberta - Second Year Affiliation, review, reports and correspondence.
File consists of Library, Expansion Plans, University of Alberta Second Year Affiliation, notes.
File consists of Library, Four-Year Degree Proposal Committee, minutes, Internal Assessment Collections Development.
File consists of Library, staff minutes.
File consists of Library, student helpers, correspondence and reference letters.
File consists of Library, handbook draft and handbook.
File consists of Library administrative, forms.
File consists of Library, University of Alberta correspondence.
File consists of Library Special Events - Concordia University College of Alberta 75th Anniversary, book launch "Pathways of Grace and Knowledge" and newspaper clippings.
File consists of Library Special Collections - Golden Valley.
File consists of Library minutes - Librarians of Theologically Oriented Institutions.
File consists of Library Accession Records (1 - 5800).
File consists of Academic Dean correspondence with Valparaiso University.
File consists of Academic Dean memos to faculty, staff, students.
File consists of Registrar annual reports - Board for Higher Education.
File consists of Registrar, analysis of student body, enrollment, timetable and schedules.
File consists of Registrar, academic statistics.
File consists of Registrar, catalogs.
File consists of Music Department recital programs, music books and poster of musical instruments.
File consists of Social Studies Department, exams for Social Studies 20 and 30.
File consists of assignment notes, Professor Albert H. Schwermann.
File consists of Plan Book Part I, Dr. Albert. H. Schwermann.
File consists of Library, Arnold Guebert Library, dedication and bulletin.
File consists of Library, Capital Project Phase II - photographs, Planning Committee, minutes, plans and correspondence.
File consists of Library, renovations, sprinklers, heating and lighting.
File consists of Library, Academic Planning Sub-Committee, library assumptions, correspondence.
File consists of Library, Hilda Schwermann Memorial Library Books.
File consists of Library Collections Development Proposal.
File consists of Library handbook.
File consists of Library correspondence - Lutheran Colleges, Seminaries, Universities.
File consists of Library correspondence - General, Universities, Colleges.
File consists of Library Special Events - Biography Work.
File consists of Library Special Collections - Alberta-British Columbia District Worship Centre, correspondence.
File consists of Library Collections - circulation statistics.
File consists of Library Collections - tax receipted book donations.