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Board of Control
101.01.011 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1920 and 1924
Parte de Concordia College fonds

File consists of correspondence regarding property and buildings.

Board of Control
101.01.019 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1931-1932
Parte de Concordia College fonds

File consists of the Emergency Collection Committee reports, minutes, and correspondence including money collection report, appointing the committee, bible teachings and encouragement of working together during the Depression, Sept. 1932 Emergency Collection Bulletin giving notes on the other circuit meetings and financial statements of 1932 with budget receipts.

Board of Control
101.01.033 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1944-1945
Parte de Concordia College fonds

File consists of Board of Electors minutes discussing and choosing new staff members.

Board of Control
101.01.045 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1960-1961
Parte de Concordia College fonds

File consists of minutes and correspondence regarding general building repairs, building a proper skating rink, paving areas of Concordia, Rev. Roland Frantz accepting the call to be the new president, Statement of Objectives of Concordia College and the Oct. 1961 amendment of Article VI of “Contract Agreement.”

101.01.048 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1961
Parte de Concordia College fonds

File consists of the Commission on Student Personnel Services minutes and reports including the history of structure and function of student personnel services in synodical schools 1923-1959, and members of the commission on student personnel service from 1956-1959 and 1959-1962.

101.01.049 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1961
Parte de Concordia College fonds

File consists of correspondence, reports, programs and articles from the Anniversary Committee - 40th Anniversary. Includes planning, committee minutes, yearbook or pamphlet clippings of Synod Schools including Concordia and highlights of Concordia’s history.

Board of Control
101.01.051 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1966-1968
Parte de Concordia College fonds

File consists of minutes, repairs, tuition, affiliation with the University of Alberta, and the 1967 President report.

Board of Control
101.01.053 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1967
Parte de Concordia College fonds

File consists of Report - Proposal to Affiliate College Division with University of Alberta. This covers an overview of Concordia, the curriculum, enrolment, faculty, library, school plant and further areas of study.

Board of Control
101.01.057 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1972-1973
Parte de Concordia College fonds

File consists of correspondence and minutes. Includes information about repairs, staff replacements, sabbaticals, resolution re: the definition of tenure, salary and housing information, and the 1973 members of Board of Control.

100th Anniversary Collection
001.001 · Serie · 1926-2017
Parte de Concordia University of Edmonton Publication Collection

Series consists of material including programs for building dedications, Concordia College anniversaries, ground-breaking ceremonies, appreciation dinners, and presidential inaugurations and installations. Series also includes an anniversary letter to pastors, and Recollections of a President Emeritus.

001.001.0006 · Unidad documental simple · 2 Nov. 1980
Parte de Concordia University of Edmonton Publication Collection

Program consists of the renovated science wing and Alumni hall floor plans, and the service of dedication information.

The liturgist is Rev. Richard Kraemer, Spiritual Life Co-ordinator. The dedicators are Rev. Walter Schienbein, Acting President, and Rev. Ed Lehman, President A-BC District. The preacher is Rev. Don Unterschultz, Member, Board of Regents. The lectors are Brent Kilback, Student Body President and Rev. Wayne Stuhlmiller, Dean of Student Affairs. Concordia College Choir directed by Prof. Gordon Hafso. The organist is Dr. A. Barry Bromley, Professor of Music. Names of the trumpet soloist, crucifer, torchbearers, and banner bearer are also included.

Acknowledgments include architects, Mclntosh, Workun, & Chernenko; construction management, Graham Construction Limited; the Board of Regents Building Committee and various contractors.

001.001.0009 · Unidad documental simple · 29 Oct. 1961
Parte de Concordia University of Edmonton Publication Collection

Program includes order of service and hymn information. The Preacher: Dr. A. M. Rehwinkel, Professor at Concordia Theological Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri. Professor at Concordia, Edmonton from 1922 - 1927.

The Liturgists: The Rev. A. J. Mueller, Pastor of St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Edmonton, First President of the Alberta-British Columbia, District and Chairman of the Concordia Board of Control; and the Rev. Roland A. Frantz, President of Concordia College.
The Organist: Miss Sylvia Ruff, Ponoka, Alberta

The Trumpeters: Miss Carlene Helmkamp, Instructor, Concordia College, and Mr, Don Thompson, Student, Concordia College.

The Choirs: The Lutheran Choral Society of Edmonton and District, Miss Marvelyn Schwermann, Conductor; The Chapel Choir of Concordia College, Miss Carlene Helmkamp, Conductor.

The Anniversary Committee: Prof, A. Guebert, Chairman; Prof, A. F. Reiner, Secretary; President R. A. Frantz; Dr, A. H. Schwermann, Advisory.

The choirs: Chapel Choir of Concordia College and the Lutheran Choral Society of Edmonton and District.

001.001.0019 · Unidad documental simple · 19 Apr. 1953
Parte de Concordia University of Edmonton Publication Collection

Program consists of the order of service, participant information, the choirs participating in the Mass Choir, and the designer and construction company of the new gymnasium-auditorium.
The Sermon was preached by the Reverend Dr. Herman Harms. St. Louis, Missouri, First Vice-President of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.
The Address was given by the Reverend Dr. Martin Walker, Buffalo, New York,
Member of Synod s Board for Higher Education.
The Liturgy was conducted by the Reverend Philip Janz, Stony Plain, Alberta, Secretary of the College Board of Control.
The Prayer of Dedication was spoken and the Choir was conducted by the Reverend Dr. Albert H. Schwermann, Principal of Concordia College.
The Organist was Miss Marvelyn Schwermann of St. Peter's Church, Edmonton,

Sports Misc.
002.02.48 · Unidad documental compuesta · [196--197-]
Parte de Concordia University of Edmonton Photograph Collection

File consists of slides depicting "Life in the Boy's Dorm", male cheerleaders, female cheerleaders, basketball, hockey, volleyball, student footballs and the Eskimos in 1978.