File consists of fundraiser, Valentine's Day Brunch.
File consists of mailings and correspondence.
File consists of mailings and correspondence.
File consists of mailings and correspondence.
File consists of mailings and correspondence.
File consists of mailings and correspondence.
Series consists of mailings and correspondence.
File consists of mailings and correspondence.
File consists of mailings and correspondence.
File consists of congregational representatives material.
File consists of minutes.
File consists of financials.
File consists of history - historical items, 25th Anniversary.
File consists of Constitution material.
File consists of donations.
Series consists of guild material including constitutions, congregational representatives, minutes, donations, financials, and historical items.
File consists of minutes.
File consists of minutes.
File consists of minutes.
Article published by the Edmonton Journal.
File consists of negatives depicting a group of people posed for a picture with a window behind.
Program for the ground-breaking ceremony for the girl's dormitory includes: a hymn; the meditation led by President Walter Wangerin; the litany for the ground-breaking ceremony led by Professor Guebert; and a prayer led by Donna Hippe, chairman of the coed council.
Welcome by President Richard Kraemer.
Remarks by Rev. Harry Ruf, Prof. Wayne Stuhlmiller, Blair Schmaus, Kirsten Bergstrom and Rev. Paul Eifert. Scripture readings by Norman Selman and Rev. Larry MacKay.
Performance by the Concordia College Choir led by Gordon Hafso.
Wielding of the Spade includes: Richard Kraemer, Ted Holttjy, Harry Hole, Sheri Dalton, Bob Thompson, Arlyn Belden, Arnold Dyke. Prayers by Rev. Martin Kaare, Chaplain.
Program consists of hymns and service information.
Lessons led by Mr. Ted Holtby, Member of the Board and Building Committee and Rev. Larry MacKay, Member of the Building Committee and Alumni Association.
Remarks given by Rev. Harry Ruf, Dr. Richard Willie, Mr. Ken Pilip and Dr. Roy Holm.
Participants include President Richard Kraemer, Concordia; Dr. Roy Holm, Board of Regents; Mr. Ken Pilip, Concordia Foundation; Mr. Allan Wells, Robert Tegler Trust; Dr. Richard Willie, Building Committee; Dr. John Woollard, Faculty; Mr. Keith Kruse, High School; Mr. Mircea Panduk and Ms. Margaret Russell, Library; Mr. Marcel Labbe and Ms. Nancy Joseph, Student Associations
Article published by the Edmonton Journal.
Subseries consists of articles about Concordia graduates and graduations ceremonies.
Article published by the Edmonton Journal.
File consists of negatives depicting the graduation ceremony and family audience, group graduate photos, and graduates with their families.
File consists of negatives depicting the graduates walking to the ceremony, students entering a banquet through an arch, and people at banquet tables.
Image depicts a graduating class grouped in front of Schwermann Hall.
File consists of photographs and negatives depicting library construction, the UCEP trailer, three seminary grads posing for pictures in the seminary, and convocation.
File consists of negatives depicting individual people, possibly graduating students from Grace College.
File consists of negatives depicting people attending a pancake supper at an unknown venue.
Poster provides information about the Glorious 12th production, directed by Caroline Howarth.
File consists of slides depicting the Concordia girl's volleyball team against Devon.
Image depicts the girl's sports team sitting on the lawn with the coach standing behind them. Concordia buildings and other groups of people are behind the team.
Image depicts ten women on the front steps of the dormitory, part of the Fraser Cabin.
Image depicts six women smiling and posing for a group photo in front of Fraser Cabin.
Image depicts the interior of a dormitory room, with a bed on the right and a dresser on the left.
Image depicts the girls' dormitory adjoining Fraser Cabin, with the Concordia main building visible on the left.
Image depicts an unidentified student in a uniform getting on a bus.
Item consists of a typed transcript of the speech Gerald Krispin gave on May 1, 2015, the day that the university unveiled its name change from Concordia University College of Alberta to Concordia University of Edmonton.
Image depicts George Rode (center) and four classmates in suits, posed for a group photo on the front lawn of Concordia.
File consists of photographs depicting various alumni at events, and photos of alumni from different decades.
File consists of slides depicting guests at a fundraising banquet, including Richard Kraemer and Orville Walz, and the choir.
Image depicts boys landscaping and working on the front lawn of the mansion, with the front of Concordia visible in the background.
Image depicts a crowd gathered on the front lawn for the Concordia dedication and official opening of Schwermann Hall.
From Megadeth to Megalife held by the Canadian Centre for Scholarship and the Christian Faith and Concordia University of Edmonton.
File consists of Delta Sigma Epsilon's Club.
Image depicts President Schwermann's house (1926-1953), built 1908, 7230 Jasper Ave., (Ada Boulevard).
Launching of a new novel by Frank Kobie. Pyramid of Greed. The Book Launch took place on Tuesday, April 20, 2004 at the Arnold Guebert Library at Concordia University College of Alberta, from 4:00 – 5:30 p.m.
Program includes a welcome and history, academic dress, the order of the processional, the convocation program, the presentation, the admission, a list of graduates from the fourteenth graduating class, the participants, the Christo et Ecclesiae Award and Convocation Speaker, the Distinguished Service Award, the Distinguished Alumni Award, the national anthem, the alma mater, and the Concordia hymn.
Participants include: Dr. Lowell E. Eckert, Mr. Frank Kobie, Dr. Richard A. Willie, Rev. Dr. Roy K. Holm, Dr. Sheri A. Dalton, Dr. Catherine I. Eddy, Dr. Richard W. Kraemer, Dr. June A. McConaghy, Dr. Neil W. Querengesser, Jonathan Charles Foy, Mr. Ted Holtby, Dr. Mervin Fingas, Rev. Wayne J.H. Stuhlmiller, and Dr. W. John Hooper III.
Series consists of photographs whose images are currently distributed and displayed across campus, and have been used for various institutional purposes including historical newsletter publications and "Concordia: the first 75 years" tape.
Program includes order of service and hymn information. The Preacher: Dr. A. M. Rehwinkel, Professor at Concordia Theological Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri. Professor at Concordia, Edmonton from 1922 - 1927.
The Liturgists: The Rev. A. J. Mueller, Pastor of St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Edmonton, First President of the Alberta-British Columbia, District and Chairman of the Concordia Board of Control; and the Rev. Roland A. Frantz, President of Concordia College.
The Organist: Miss Sylvia Ruff, Ponoka, Alberta
The Trumpeters: Miss Carlene Helmkamp, Instructor, Concordia College, and Mr, Don Thompson, Student, Concordia College.
The Choirs: The Lutheran Choral Society of Edmonton and District, Miss Marvelyn Schwermann, Conductor; The Chapel Choir of Concordia College, Miss Carlene Helmkamp, Conductor.
The Anniversary Committee: Prof, A. Guebert, Chairman; Prof, A. F. Reiner, Secretary; President R. A. Frantz; Dr, A. H. Schwermann, Advisory.
The choirs: Chapel Choir of Concordia College and the Lutheran Choral Society of Edmonton and District.
Poster includes images of the campus, President Roland A. Frantz, Albert A. Schwermann, a sports team and the Concordia Choir, as well as information about the anniversary.
Printed on poster:
"In these forty years 170 Concordia students have entered the service of the church, 126 pastors, 44 teachers. Of these sixty are now serving the Lord in Canada.
The anniversary thank offering is to flow into the Church Extension Fund of each District. The interest of the fund will be used by the college to provide aid for boys and girls who are preparing themselves for the ministry or the teaching profession in the church.
We invite you to work with us, to pray with us, to visit our campus and take part in our celebration if possible, to observe the anniversary in your congregation, and to thank God for His many blessings to Concordia."
File consists of program notes.
UCEP and Weekend Degree Programme advertisement published by the Edmonton Downtowner.
File consists of negatives depicting football practice, and two people working under a tree, possibly planting plants.
File consists of negatives depicting staff at their desk, and a football practice, possibly the Edmonton Eskimos.
Article published by the Edmonton Journal.
Image depicts people on the porch of the First Service Building that was in use between 1921 and 1925. Address: 9529-110th Ave.
Concordia Choristers are listed under "Community Singing of Christmas Carols" Monday, 8 Dec. at 7:45 pm.
Concordia Male Chorus are listed under "Community Singing of Christmas Carols" on Tuesday, 11 Dec. at 7:45 pm.
Concordia Choristers and Concordia Male Chorus are listed under "Community Singing of Christmas Carols" Monday, 14 Dec. at 7:45 pm.
File consists of photographs and negatives depicting the first hockey game of the season for 1995-1995. President Kraemer drops the puck.
Program includes a welcome and history, an academic dress description, the order of the processional, the national anthem, the alma mater, the convocation program, the presentation, the admission, a list graduates in the first graduating class, a description of the convocation speaker and the Christo et Ecclesiae Award Recipient.
Participants include: Rev. Richard Kraemer, Mr. Frank P. Belden, Mr. Harold A. Dietrich, Rev. Richard W. Kraemer, Rev. Dr. Edwin Lehman, Dr. Judith C. Meier, Mrs. Marilyn J. Walz, Dr. Orville C. Walz, Rev. Carl O. Beiderwieden and Prof. Gordon Hafso.
File consists of slides depicting the construction of the gym after the fire, and an unknown event.
File consists of photographs and negatives depicting a game between the Concordia Thunder hockey team and a Finnish team.
Subseries consists of articles written about grants, donations, taxes, and other financial aspects of Concordia.
Program includes the processional, the anthem, the invocation, the salutatory address, a hymn, introduction of commencement speaker, the commencement address, the awarding of the diplomas, a list of graduates in the class of 1990s, the valedictorian address, the graduates' theme, the presentation of the Frantz Award, the President's message, the recessional, and a list of the 1989-1990 UCEP Faculty.
Participants include: Donald Pimm, Judith Meier, Bonnie Young, Dr. Harry Lutzer, J. Barrie Day, and Mrs. Ruth Frantz.
Program includes a welcome and history, academic dress, the order of the processional, the national anthem, the alma mater, the convocation program, the presentation, the admission, a list of graduates in the fifth graduating class, the convocation speaker, the Christo et Ecclesiae Award, the Concordia Hymn.
Participants include: Dr. Sheri A. Dalton, Dr. Neil W. Querengesser, Prof. Wayne J.H. Stuhlmiller, Dr. Sheri A. Dalton, Prof. Lowell E. Eckert, Dr. Catherine I. Eddy, Dr. Ronald E. George, Dr. Bonar A. Gow, President Richard W. Kraemer, Rev. Dr. Edwin Lehman, Dr. Neil W. Querengesser, Carlene H. Rudnick and Prof. Gordon Hafso.
Program includes a welcome and history, academic dress, the order of the processional, the convocation program, the presentation, the admission, a list of graduates from the fifteenth graduating class, the participants, the Christo et Ecclesiae Award, the Convocation Speaker, the Distinguished Service Award, the Distinguished Alumni Award, the national anthem, the alma mater, and the Concordia hymn.
Participants include: Rev. Dr. Garry L. Dombrosky, Mr. Frank Kobie, The Honourable James S. Edwards, Dr. Deborah R. Hemmerling, Dr. Richard W. Kraemer, Dr. Marco P. LoVerso, Dr. Margaret M. McVea, Dr. Neil W. Querengesser, Dr. Richard A. Willie, Lee Murdoch, Rev. Dr. Harold E. Ruf, the Concordia Guild and Melvin G. Johnston.
German hymn book owned by Dr. A. H. Schwermann.
The typed transcript is of a promotional video asking for financial support, by Concordia College.
Faculty meeting notes written by Norma F. Schwermann, Secretary, documenting faculty discussion regarding curriculum development; Committee and Division Reports; Reports of Administration Officers; Miscellaneous and Announcements.
File consists of minutes.
File consists of minutes.
File consists of minutes.
File consists of minutes, and includes staff list, courses taught in high school and university, staff scheduled for sabbatical leave, publishing of a salary schedule, and guideline for tuition grants for first and second year university students.
File consists of the proposed student handbook.
File consists of faculty contract and policies form.
File consists of material about the faculty retreat. Includes minutes, enrolment, retreat schedule, Presidents annual report.
File consists of material about faculty retreats. Includes the growth of library collection and use of collection report.
File consists of Faculty Perceptionnaire, A Comparison of Faculty Perceptions to Student Survey.
File consists of notices and memos.
File consists of notices and memos.
File consists of communications and information bulletins - newsletters and events.
File consists of communications and information bulletins - newsletters and events, including sporting events.
File consists of Administrative Council agenda and minutes
File consists of Administrative Council agenda and minutes.
File consists of Educational Policies Committee agenda and minutes.