File consists of the yearbook, Spiritus.
File consists of the yearbook, Concordia College.
File consists of the yearbook, Concordia College - Celebrate.
File consists of the yearbook, Concordia College - Imagine.
File consists of the yearbook, Concordia College - Discovery.
Series consists of Dean of Student Affairs material including material from Admissions, Enrollment, Indigent Student Board, Concordia Choirs, Student Life Committee, Dean of Women, school papers, yearbooks and Public Relations and Recruitment.
File consists of course offerings and newspaper advertisements.
File consists of admissions, student applications.
File consists of Enrollment statistics.
File consists of Enrollment statistics.
File consists of Enrollment statistics.
File consists of Enrollment statistics.
File consists of Indigent Student Board correspondence.
File consists of correspondence, memos and guidelines.
File consists of counsellors - women and men, correspondence and guidelines.
File consists of Lutheran Student Leadership Conference material.
File consists of Student Activities Programs, Social/Talent Nights, Campus Family Banquet, "Nightclub", A+ (Spiritual and Cultural Enrichment).
File consists of Concordia Choirs, Concordia Choir, correspondence - itineraries.
File consists of Concordia Choirs, Concordia Male Chorus, correspondence - itineraries - constitution.
File consists yearbook correspondence.
File consists of the school paper, Aurora.
File consists of the school paper, Aurora.
File consists of the school paper, Aurora.
File consists of the school paper, Aurora.
File consists of the yearbook, Concordia College - Anniversary Yearbook.
File consists of the yearbook, Concordia College.
File consists of the yearbook, Concordia College.
File consists of the yearbook, Concordia College.
File consists of the yearbook, Concordia College - Corona Borealis.
File consists of the yearbook, Concordia College - Corona Borealis.
File consists of the yearbook, Concordia College - Golden Anniversary.
File consists of yearbook, Concordia College - Corona Borealis.
File consists of the yearbook, Concordia College - Corona Borealis.
File consists of the yearbook, Concordia College.
File consists of the yearbook, Corona Borealis.
File consists of the yearbook, Reflections.
File consists of the yearbook, Concordia College - Perspectives.
File consists of the yearbook, Concordia College - Harmony.
File consists of the yearbook, Concordia University College of Alberta.
File consists of admissions, recruitment - budgets.
File consists of admissions, student applications.
File consists of Enrollment statistics, College - High School.
File consists of Enrollment statistics.
File consists of general graduate correspondence.
File consists of correspondence.
File consists of correspondence.
File consists of correspondence and mailings.
File consist of Concordia Choirs, Concordia College Chapel Choir, correspondence - itinerary.
File consists of Concordia Choirs, Concordia College Choir, correspondence - itineraries.
File consists of Concordia Choirs, Concordia College Choir, QCTV Lenten-Easter Special - Script.
File consists of Concordia Choirs, Alma Mater Theme Song.
File consists of Concordia Choirs, Concordia Male Chorus, correspondence - itineraries - programs.
File consists of School Paper, Aurora Borealis Committee.
File consists of the school paper, Aurora.
File consists of the school paper, Aurora.
File consists of the school paper, Aurora.
File consists of the school paper, Aurora.
File consists of the yearbook, Concordia College.
File consists of the yearbook, Concordia College.
File consists of the yearbook, Concordia College.
File consists of the yearbook, Concordia College - The Canadian.
File consists of the yearbook, Concordia College - Corona Borealis.
File consists of the yearbook, Corona Borealis - Centennial Edition.
File consists of the yearbook, Concordia College - Corona Borealis.
File consists of Concordia Chapel Choir correspondence.
File consists of Chapel Choir Tour correspondence.
File consists of Public Relations and Recruitment correspondence.
File consists of correspondence and newsletter.
File consists of correspondence and news release.
File consists of correspondence and news releases.
File consists of correspondence and newsletter.
File consists of correspondence and newsletter.
File consists of correspondence, newsletters, Alumni Publication "Canada's Concordia", Volume 1, Issue 1.
File consists of correspondence, news releases, and newsletters.
File consists of correspondence, newsletters, Paper: "Church Vocations and Recruitment" by Roland Frantz.
File consists of correspondence, news releases and newsletters.
File consists of correspondence, newsletters, publication: The Concordian.
File consists of correspondence, newsletter "The Concordian," newsletters, and photocopied promotional ads.
Program consists of a brief history of Concordia College; images of the buildings; faculty, Board of Control and Building Committee members; hymns and readings.
Listed in the program are the members of the first Board of Control: Rev. A. Rehwinkel, Chairman.Rev. E. Eberhardt, Jacob Ulmer, Henry Maschmeyer, and Ed Schmidt.
The faculty members listed include: Rev. A. H. Schwermann, Principal; Prof. A. Rehwinkel, M.A., B.D.; Prof W. A. Baepler, and Prof. J. H. Herreilers. Building Committee members include: Rev. J. C. Mueller, Chairman; Rev. E. Eberhardt, Jacob Ulmer, Sam. Gabert, R. Waechsel, Prof. A. Rehwinkel, Secretary; Rev. F. Pfotenhauer, D. D.; and Henry Horst.
Program consists of the renovated science wing and Alumni hall floor plans, and the service of dedication information.
The liturgist is Rev. Richard Kraemer, Spiritual Life Co-ordinator. The dedicators are Rev. Walter Schienbein, Acting President, and Rev. Ed Lehman, President A-BC District. The preacher is Rev. Don Unterschultz, Member, Board of Regents. The lectors are Brent Kilback, Student Body President and Rev. Wayne Stuhlmiller, Dean of Student Affairs. Concordia College Choir directed by Prof. Gordon Hafso. The organist is Dr. A. Barry Bromley, Professor of Music. Names of the trumpet soloist, crucifer, torchbearers, and banner bearer are also included.
Acknowledgments include architects, Mclntosh, Workun, & Chernenko; construction management, Graham Construction Limited; the Board of Regents Building Committee and various contractors.
Program for Concordia College's gymnasium-auditorium.
Program consists of the order of service, participant information, the choirs participating in the Mass Choir, and the designer and construction company of the new gymnasium-auditorium.
The Sermon was preached by the Reverend Dr. Herman Harms. St. Louis, Missouri, First Vice-President of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.
The Address was given by the Reverend Dr. Martin Walker, Buffalo, New York,
Member of Synod s Board for Higher Education.
The Liturgy was conducted by the Reverend Philip Janz, Stony Plain, Alberta, Secretary of the College Board of Control.
The Prayer of Dedication was spoken and the Choir was conducted by the Reverend Dr. Albert H. Schwermann, Principal of Concordia College.
The Organist was Miss Marvelyn Schwermann of St. Peter's Church, Edmonton,
Poster includes the event activities led by students and staff. Staff includes Dr. Brent Bradford and Brett Farquharson.
File consists of communications news releases.
File consists of Communications and Canadian Lutheran news releases.
File consists of communications, correspondence, brochure, poster, tickets to Lutheran Family Fair.
File consists of Communications, Operation Phoenix: Building of the new gymnasium, outdoor ceremony for ground breaking ceremony on Sept. 10. The Phoenix Force (PF) summer job summary and Phoenix Force Guerilla job summary, part time.
File consists of Communications, Project Venite: TV Sports.
File consists of Communications, Appreciation Nights.
File consists of development, correspondence, a brief: Concordia and the Lutheran Church in Canada, memo to faculty and "Operation Spud."
File consists of Development, correspondence, report: Advanced Education, and Canadian Issues and Anaheim Action.
File consists of development, Fire Emergency Fund, and correspondence re: Operation Phoenix.
File consists of development brochures.
File consists of development correspondence re: Concordia Capital Appeal. Includes report on a visit from the Board for Higher Education (LCMS) to Concordia College.
File consists of development, Capital Appeal.
File consists of development, Concordia Capital Appeal.
File consists of communications and correspondence.
File consists of communications and correspondence.
File consists of Communications - Public Relations, Choir TV Special.