Ledger consists of cash receipts.
Ledger consists of payroll information.
Ledger consists of capital expenditures.
Ledger consists of expenses and transactions of alphabetically organized institutional accounts.
Advertisement published in an unknown newspaper, and could be a draft.
"The Mandin Award was established in 1991 in memory of Maurice, Susan, Islay, and Janelle Mandin. It is a financial award of up to $400.00 to assist children and young adults (between the ages of 4 and 21 years of age) with learning disabilities in Alberta. Its purpose is to encourage those children to pursue their educational goals with enthusiasm and confidence. Application procedures and selection criteria may be found at: http://www.ldalberta.ca/downloads/ld-resources/ financial/scholarshipsawards The deadline is May 31 of every year.
The Siobhan Isabella Reid Memorial Scholarship The Siobhan Isabella Reid Memorial Scholarship was established in 1982. The scholarship is presented annually to a full-time student attending an Alberta University who is enrolled in a program that will lead to that individual being able to assist children and/or adults with learning disabilities. Application procedures and selection criteria may be found at: http://www.ldalberta.ca/downloads/ld-resources/ financial/scholarshipsawards The deadline is May 31 of every year."
Advertisement published in the McCurdy Journal.
Image depicts the construction of Concordia and two lattice work towers. Construction done by the Poole Construction Company, Contractors and Builders.
Image depicts 6 study tables, couches in the background, and plants in the study area, as part of the 2012 study areas in the library.
File consists of programs.
Program for the Jubilee Service of the Lutheran Church (Mo. Synod) commemorating the 25th anniversary of the Alberta-British Columbia District and Concordia College includes hymns, prayers and announcements.
Organ prelude by Marvelyn Schwermann. Liturgists include: Rev. A. J. Mueller, Rev. C. C. Janzow, Rev. W. A. Raedeke, and Rev. A. F. Reiner.
Jubilee Chorus conductor: Rev. A. H. Schwermann.
Article published by an unknown publisher.
Poster provides information about the Journal Club Seminar, whose first seminar is sponsored by Dr. Patrick Kamau.
Image depicts John E. Herzer, founder, pastor, and professor from 1943-1956. Houses visible in the background.
Article published by an unknown publisher.
Article published by unknown publisher.
Article published in the Sports Journal.
Is the Atheist my neighbor is held by the Canadian Centre for Scholarship and the Christian Faith and Concordia University of Edmonton.
Article published in the Edmonton Journal.
File consists of photographs and negatives depicting track and field days outside and in the gym.
Item consists of a typed transcript of a video interview with Walter Rosenau that took place ca. 1995-1996 for use in the documentary video, "Concordia: The First 75 Years." The original video recording is held by the Provincial Archives of Alberta and was digitized for Concordia University of Edmonton in 2020, in preparation for Concordia: A Century of Promise.
In the interview, Rosneau explains his experience teaching at Concordia College, his years after leaving the college, and comments on how he feels Concordia changed from its early days.
Item consists of a typed transcript of President Richard Kraemer interviewing Pastor Carl Baron in 1994 about his early life, school days at Concordia College, and the early years of his ministry in Saskatchewan and Alberta.
Poster provides event information including "Dr. Alison Yacyshyn, Interim Dean and Dr. Theresia Williams, CUE Instructor, invite you to come and listen to four talented, award winning local women who are entrepreneurial leaders share their journeys of success, hard work and leadership." Poster lists speakers attending the event.
Poster reads: "International cafe in Library Thursday February 4 @ 3:30 pm Live Music from Brazil Open to all international(ly)-minded students!"
File consists of photographs depicting the construction of Tegler Centre.
Poster includes schedule information including a welcome from Dr. Gerald Krispin.
Program includes the order of service, hymns, and a list of participants. Participants include:
The liturgist is Rev. Richard Kraemer, Spiritual Life Co-ordinator; the preacher is Rev. Edwin Lehman, President, Alberta-British Columbia District; the installer is Rev. Roy Holm, President, Manitoba-Saskatchewan District; the lector is Rev. Albin Stanfel, President, Ontario District President; the organist is Dr. Barry Bromley; the choir director is Gordon Hafso; and the names of the trumpets, crucifer, and torch bearers are also listed.
Program includes the order of service, a history of Concordia, a description of Dr. Gerald Krispin, and a list of participants in the ceremony. The brief history of Concordia includes a list of programs including: Bachelor of Arts Program, Bachelor of Science degree, Bachelor of Management degree, Director of Parish Services program, Bachelor of Education After Degree Program, Bachelor of Environmental health (After Degree) Program, and Master of Information Systems Security Management.
Poster provides information about the Concordia Symphony Orchestra's Inspirations, conducted by David Hoyt.
Image depicts the computer stations on the main floor, and the information desk on the left.
Image depicts the Information Technology Centre after the 2014 renovations. The image depicts the main floor computer stations, a private study table, and the computer lab in the background. In the left side of the frame is a book display. In the middle of the room is a person using a computer.
Image depicts the 2010 room layout of the Information Technology Center. There are three tables without computers in the centre of the frame, in front of the Information Desk on the main floor.
Image depicts the room layout of the Information Technology Centre work stations with computers on the main floor of the library, with the reference desk in the background to the right.
Image depicts the information desk in front of a row of office windows. The sign to the Psychology Department is on the wall to the right of the desk.
Image depicts the information desk and a table of computers. A wall of yearly graduating class portraits is to the left of the desk.
Program consists of a description of Richard Kraemer, a list of inaugural events, a history of Concordia College, descriptions of the presidential medallion and academic costume, the order of procession, the inaugural convocation program. Program also includes names of members in various groups including: delegates from other institutions, government representatives, past presidents, the Board of Regents, the Installation and Inauguration Committee, the Presidential Search Committee, the Lutheran-Church Canada Officers, and the Board of Higher Education.
Program includes a history of Concordia College, a description of Orville Walz, the inaugural events, the order of the procession, a list of members in the Concordia Board of Regents, the Inauguration Committee, and the Presidential Selection Committee.
Program includes a description of Alfred Roth, a history of Concordia College, and a list of previous presidents. Order of service includes salutations by Douglas Holtby, Prof. Walter Schienbein, Dr. Arthur Ahlschwede, The Rev. Glen Johnson, Dr. R. G. Baldwin, His Worship Mayor William Hawrelak and Mr. David King. Benediction by Dr. A. H. Schwermann.
Program also includes the members of the Board of Control, the Inauguration Committee, the Faculty Committee for the Election of the President, and the Electors.
File consists of images collected by Marvelyn (Schwermann) Voight of students and faculty of Concordia College.
Image depicts students forming a human pyramid in front of a brick wall with windows. People include (not in order) Vaughn Johnson, Herman Boron, Edwin Jacobi, Melvin Muhly, Lowel Guebert, John Herreilers.
Article published by Edmonton Journal.
Article published by an unknown publisher.
Captioned image published by an unknown publisher.
File consists of information, agenda, program, the Challenge.
File consists of correspondence, timeline schedule, registration, contracts, constitution and bylaws.
Series consists of alumni homecoming event correspondence, news, forms, invitations, agendas and other information.
File consists of 40th Anniversary material.
File consists of information and alumni news.
File consists of "Lost Alumni" list.
File consists of newsletter, agenda and registration form.
File consists of invitation, registration form, guild involvement and agenda.
File consists of correspondence, record keeping and registration.
File consists of correspondence, reunion and banquet.
File consists of correspondence, reunion, banquet and newsletters.
File consists of correspondence, timeline schedule, agenda, brochure and contracts.
File consists of information and newsletter.
File consists of 50th Anniversary and alumni service folder.
Image depicts the exterior side of the Hole Academic Centre building and the reflection of the library can be seen in the windows.
File consists of photographs and negatives depicting a hockey game at the Thunderdome, with Richard Kraemer for the puck drop.
Image depicts students with hockey sticks standing on the ice of the hockey rink next to Concordia's Caledonian Temperance Hotel location.
Images depict a hockey game with Concordia Thunder team.
Image depicts players in a hockey game waiting for the puck to drop.
File consists of photographs depicting the Concordia hockey team of 1924, the college skating rink 1923, Seniors 1936-1937, other hockey games and team photos from the 1970s.
Subseries consists of an article that mentions the location of Concordia College.
Title article: Concordia University College Celebrates 75 Years: Now a widely respected institution, Concordia began as a tiny Lutheran school. Includes historical information.
One article titled: "College roots run deep" about concordia college.
Image depicts high school students on the steps of Schwermann Hall. Left to right: Hilda Wildgrube, Naomi Henning, Marion Balcombe, Irene Kinzel, Laura Kimack, Adelia Bellefer, Rose Adomeit, Ruth Ohlinger, Esther Stieler.
File consists of photographs depicting the picnic barbecue on the lawn in front of Guild Hall and the patio, and students gathered in the cafeteria.
Typed transcript is of the graduation ceremony Concordia High School 1995. Transcript includes the ceremony including speakers and the procession of graduates receiving their diplomas.
File consists of slides depicting the basketball team playing in the playoffs against "Edm Xian."
File consists of slides depicting the basketball team playing at Commonwealth Stadium.
Image depicts Coach Herrielers with the boys basketball team of 1923-1924.
File consists of photographs depicting a group photo of basketball players with Herrielers as the coach.
File consists of negatives depicting portraits of H. Barry Bromley.
Subseries consists of articles written about the gymnasium-auditorium fire.
Captioned image published by the Edmonton Journal.
Article published by an unknown publisher.
Article published by an unknown publisher.
File consists of programs.
Series consists of programs and fundraisers held by the Guild.
File consists of "College Days" programs.
File consists of programs.
File consists of programs.
File consists of programs.
File consists of fund raising, Cake Project.