File consists of negatives depicting the music room and on stage in a chapel.
File consists of brief minutes.
Subseries consists of articles and announcements about theatre productions and concerts by music and drama groups of Concordia.
Image depicts Mrs. Kaminska on stage with a broom, possibly singing.
Image depicts Hilda Scheopp standing at a podium.
Event sponsored by the Concordia Institute for Christian Studies and Society and the Canadian Centre for Scholarship and the
Christian Faith.
File consists of slides depicting the foundation of Module 1 being built.
File consists of slides depicting the construction process of Module I.
Article published by an unknown publisher.
File consists of slides depicting the exterior of Concordia, including the maintenance building beside Founders Hall, Guild Hall, and Schwermann Hall, and a "meet Concordia" sign. Slides also depict staff and faculty including Walter V. Schienbein and a pastor, and the Women's Guild.
Image depicts the military band posed for the picture in uniform and standing outside on the lawn of Concordia.
File consists of photographs depicting Mike Walker, Concordia's Honorary Chairman for charity auction 1992.
Image depicts the room layout of the main floor with three microfiche readers at desks, and the front door is visible in the background.
File consists of photographs depicting Micheal Soles with a group of students on the steps of Tegler Centre, and in front of the windows in Tegler Centre.
Image depicts the two floors of library stacks with pink signs saying 'Third Floor A/V Materials & Curriculum Library," and "Mezzanine Level [unknown]"
Image depicts three floors of library shelving: the main floor, mezzanine, and third floor as part of the 2004 room layouts.
Image depicts the mezzanine 2007 room layout. Image depicts students using the individual study tables along the back wall of the mezzanine.
Poster provides event information for the concert "Tell Me a Story," presented by the Edmonton Metropolitan Orchestra and conducted by Danielle Lisboa.
Image depicts a class photo of boys attending Concordia College. Similar group format to images from later decades.
File consists of minutes.
The scrapbook contains documents, items and images from Marilyn Scott's third year attending Concordia in grade twelve.
The scrapbook contains documents, items and images from Marilyn Scott's first and second years attending Concordia in grade ten and grade eleven.
The scrapbook contains documents, items and images collected by Marilyn Scott in first year college courses during her fourth year at Concordia.
Captioned image published by the Edmonton Journal.
Image depicts Melba Willie sitting at a table and Hilda Schoepp standing on stage and looking at their notes.
The collection consists of materials donated by Marvelyn Voight (nee Schwermann), Dr. A. H. Schwermann's daughter. Materials include programs for concerts held at, and by, Concordia College; newsletters; images; and other materials relating to Concordia College.
Collection consists of memory scrapbooks donated by Marilyn Scott (nee Cole), a former high school student of Concordia College.
Article published in the Prairie Lutheran.
File consists of photographs depicting the construction of the maintenance building beside Founders Hall, and the inside of the seminary building.
Image depicts the library book stacks on the main floor, mezzanine and third floor, from the perspective of the main floor.
Image depicts the 2009 room layout of the main floor, with six study desks for individual use beside the book display cube. The door to the staircase is visible in the background.
Image depicts the study area in front of the circulation desk as part of the 2004 room layouts. The doors leading outside are to the right of the desk.
Image depicts the 2009 room layout of the study and display area on the main floor that consists of two display stands and individual study tables. The information desk is visible in the right side of the frame.
Image depicts a student wearing glasses studying in the main floor reference area.
Image depicts a student wearing a black sweater studying in the main floor reference area.
Image depicts a student wearing a black sweater studying in the reference area. The information desk is visible in the background.
Image depicts four students studying in the main floor reference area. Image is taken from above on a higher floor of the library and a world globe is by the wall in the left upper corner of the frame.
Image depicts four students studying in the main floor reference area. Image is taken from above on a higher floor of the library.
Image depicts the freshwater biology 1991, 1992-1993, 1994 and 1995 boxes in the main floor periodical collection.
Image depicts a student wearing a black shirt and reading in the periodical stack.
Image depicts a student reaching up to look at material in the main floor periodical stacks. A row of yellow books is on the right of the frame, and a set of orange books is on the left of the frame.
Image depicts a student reaching up to look at material in the main floor periodical stacks.
Image depicts the library reading and gallery area, also known as the alcove, after the 2014 renovations. The room has book displays, a seating area with art displays, and large windows along the back wall.
Image depicts two people using computers on the main floor, possibly southeast corner. The pillar in the left side of the frame has a pink banner that reads "Online Catalogue."
Image depicts the computer stations in the main floor computer lab.
Image depicts a blue banner hung on a wall with the words "New Heart New Spirit," three hearts, and three doves.
Article published by an unknown publisher.
Obituary for Dr. A. H. Schwermann published by the Edmonton Journal.
Obituary for Dr. A. H. Schwermann published by the Edmonton Journal.
Article about Bernard W. Lutz published by an unknown publisher.
Article published by unknown publisher.
Article about Dr. W. C. Eifert published by the Edmonton Journal.
Obituary for Roland A. Frantz published by the Edmonton Journal.
Concert programs for the concert held at the Concordia College Auditorium. Featuring Junior and Senior Choirs of local churches, Concordia Chapel Choir, Concordia Men's Chorus, and Carol Singing by the Congregation. The Reader: President R. A. Frantz. Organists: Carlene Helmcamp and Marvelyn Schwermann.
Promotional pamphlets for the concert held at Concordia College Auditorium. Featuring Junior and Senior Choirs of local churches, Concordia Chapel Choir, Concordia Men's Chorus, and Carol Singing by the Congregation.
The Lutherfest 500 Anniversary Luther Choral Fest :The Music and Inspirational Thought of Martin Luther held on Sunday, November 6, 1983 at 7:30 pm at the Edmonton Convention Centre. The following program is a celebration of the legacy of Martin Luther. Both the music and narrations come from his works, written at different times and under varying circumstances during his life. Conductor: Prof. Gordon Hafso, Concordia College. Organist: Dr. Barry Bromley, Concordia College. Choirs include the Concordia College Choir. Narration: edited by Prof. Richard Kraemer, Concordia College.
Image depicts West side of Library Building in the background, and the west side of the Alberta British Columbia District Building. In the forefront of the frame are three students sitting at a picnic table.
Image depicts Louis Riep standing beside a podium.
Image depicts Louis Riep, Anita Guebert, Ellen Witte sitting on stage with a woman standing in the background.
"Register for your L-Pass from the library website to access the Globe and Mail and many other newspapers. You will have free access to all that EPL offers! Ask at the service desk for assistance."
Article published in the Edmonton Journal.
File consists of negatives depicting people attending the LLL Rally.
File consists of negatives depicting individual people and groups of people on couches, inside rooms, and outside.
File consists of programmes.
File consists of Coetus Book - minutes.
Item consists of a typed transcript of Albert Schwermann’s recollections of his days as a missionary in the Mellowdale, Alberta district, 1913-1916.
Image depicts the exterior of the south entrance to the library including the door and the windows above.
Image depicts eight students using books in the library located in Schwermann Hall.
Image depicts the interior of the library with a moose head hung on the wall between the door and a book shelf.
Series consists of photographs depicting library location changes, expansion, renovations, construction, and library spaces for students and staff.
Image depicts two people studying at one table in the centre of the Guild Hall location of the library, and a person studying at a table by the stacks on the left of the room. There is a table with books in the bottom right corner of the frame.
Image depicts a social group of students in the library.
Image depicts the parking lot and street in front and beside the library during the Library expansion contruction. A pink, blue, green, and orange metal tree is at the bottom of the frame.
Image depicts cars parked in the parking lot in front of the library expansion construction.
Image depicts the library expansion construction in progress with a yellow excavator in the middle of the frame. The corner of the library building is visible in the left upper corner of the frame, and the Alberta British Columbia District Building is visible behind the library building.
Image depicts the library expansion construction, with construction workers working on the frames of the building.
Image depicts the top of the exterior library entrance on the left side of the frame, and a tree on the right side of the frame, with a view of the sky in between.
Image depicts choral group gathered for the Library Dedication in 1995. Unknown persons.
Image depicts President Richard Kraemer, on the right, shaking hands with a man in front of the library doors during the library dedication.
Image depicts a gathering of 10 people posing for a picture at the south library doors during the library dedication.
Image depicts a newspaper clipping of the Arnold Guebert library dedication with the headline "Arnold Guebert Library expansion dedicated at fall convocation."
File consists of photographs and negatives depicting construction of the library expansion, and unknown students or staff in front of a christian banner.
File consists of photographs depicting construction on the first and second floor of the library, above the shelving units.
Image depicts the exterior of the Arnold Guebert Library from the west side, with a gravel parking lot in front.
Image depicts the metal Arnold Guebert Library sign on the exterior of the library building.
Image depicts tables and chairs in the basement lounge area after the 2014 renovations.
Ledger consists of expenses.
Ledger consists of payroll information, including student labour.
Ledger consists of payroll information, including student labour.
Ledger consists of capital expenditures.
Ledger consists of student grades.
Ledger consists of expenses and transactions of alphabetically organized institutional accounts.
Ledger consists of payroll information, including student labour.
Ledger consists of cash receipts.