The collection consists of materials donated by Marvelyn Voight (nee Schwermann), Dr. A. H. Schwermann's daughter. Materials include programs for concerts held at, and by, Concordia College; newsletters; images; and other materials relating to Concordia College.
Table of contents: Christmas with the School of Music -- Parking Passes for Winter Semester -- Student Help-Part time Custodian -- Christmas Sale in the Bookstore -- Library News -- International /Internship Opportunities -- Student Poetry Reading -- Discount Travel Cards -- Second Language Study Award -- Student & Enrolment Services: Closure Dec 7 -- Book Buy Back -- Student Discount Cards -- Resume Critiquing -- Apply for a Concordia Award -- Peter Schiemann Memorial Scholarship -- Got Good Grades? Get a Scholarship -- Peter Elzinga Family Foundation Scholarship
Christmas with the School of Music includes an announcement for a Community Chorus concert at the Alberta Legislature.
Announcements mention choir conductors Dr. Joy Berg, Dr. John Brough, and Jordan van Biert. Announcements also mention Debbie Rice, Andrew Sterne, Lisa Martin-DeMoor, and Francis Yeh.
Table of contents: Dating a Co-Worker -- Sports -- Classy Dinner Creations -- Two Contest!
Faculty and staff mentioned in this issue are Barbara van Ingen, Garry Dombrosky, Jim MacLean and Dr. Steven Muir.