File consists of Corona Borealis advertising.
File consists of advertising, yearbook seminar.
File consists of correspondence.
File consists of photographs.
File consists of photographs depicting students wrestling in Tegler Centre, wearing foam wrestling suits.
File consists of minutes.
File consists of slides depicting students using workout equipment.
File consists of negatives depicting students playing volleyball in the gym.
File consists of photographs depicting candid images of students during games and posed team photos.
File consists of negatives depicting unknown events in chapels, outside, and at banquets.
File consists of slides depicting the track and field day at Concordia.
File consists of 36 negatives printed on pages depicting a tour of the Tegler construction, and the seminary building, with speakers at a podium, including the student body presidents of college and high school, and Richard Kraemer.
File consists of photographs and negatives that depict the construction of Tegler Centre from the interior and exterior.
File consists of negatives depicting staff at work, students in classroom and cafeteria, a display, and the library.
File consists of negatives depicting students outside with buckets, possibly filling them with dirt for unknown reasons.
File consists of negatives depicting students cleaning and using surveying equipment outside.
File consists of negatives depicting people on campus including students and possibly staff, and a woman possibly named Angie.
File consists of negatives depicting candid student and staff images and portraits.
File consists of photographs and negatives depicting students on the front lawn of Schwermann Hall, and the barbecue.
File consists of negatives depicting the chapel, dorm rooms, the lounge area, sports in the gym, students in classrooms, altar servers, and other candid student images.
File consists of negatives depicting sport award recipients, students in costume, and other images of buildings.
File consists of slides depicting a broomball game in a hockey rink.
File consists of slides depicting sports including mudball and volleyball, a group picture in front of Schwermann Hall possibly of graduates, and a dinner/table event.
File consists of slides depicting students candids and team photos of football, volleyball, basketball, hockey, and track and field.
File consists of banquet programmes.
File consists of Lutheran Student Leaders' Conference material.
File consists of constitution and bylaws, policies and standard forms.
File consists of minute book.
File consists of budget information.
File consists of minutes.
File consists of president's correspondence.
File consists of Orientation Manual.
File consists of Christmas Banquet programmes.
File consists of minutes.
File consists of meeting materials.
File consists of reports.
File consists of Blue and White advertising.
File consists of minutes.
File consists of president's logbook.
File consists of photographs depicting the entrance of Schwermann Hall, and student candids including the girls volleyball tournament and other students on campus.
File consists of constitutions.
File consists of student rules, elections and concerns.
File consists of minutes.
File consists of crests.
File consists of slides depicting the computers in use and the boy's volleyball team.
File consists of slides depicting guests at the Spring Banquet, possibly held at the Edmonton Convention Centre.
File consists of negatives depicting students sports teams and staff and faculty, and an award recipient.
File consists of slides depicting various sports teams at games and group photos in the gym, and the grad class meeting held in an auditorium.
File consists of slides depicting "Life in the Boy's Dorm", male cheerleaders, female cheerleaders, basketball, hockey, volleyball, student footballs and the Eskimos in 1978.
File consists of negatives depicting a hockey game, a basketball game, ports and students in the cafeteria.
File consists of negatives depicting a basketball game and award recipients in the chapel.
File consists of slides depicting various Concordia sports teams during games including hockey, volleyball and football.
File consists of photographs and slides depicting the women's and men's basketball and volleyball players.
File consists of team photos and candid shots of sports including hockey, basketball, volleyball, football, running, and cheerleaders.
File consist of negatives depicting a man holding an Edmonton Eskimos helmet cake, and images of a hockey game.
File consists of slides depicting a boys basketball provincials game, and gym class activities.
File consists of slides depicting a hockey game, volleyball, basketball, and flag football.
File consists of slides depicting sports award recipients, track and field, flag football on the field, "First" and "goal to go" Football Weekend, baseball, basketball.
File consists of photographs depicting students playing sports and in the weight room.
File consists of slides depicting sports including women's volleyball, flag football, hockey and the weight room.
File consists of slides depicting various sports, including hockey, volleyball, flag football and the weight room in Module 1.
File consists of negatives depicting students playing basketball in the gym, and lacrosse in the field.
File consists of a photograph and a negative depicting a group of people in a meeting with a stained glass window in the background. Professor Harold Witte possibly in attendance.
File consists of Proposed Lutheran Bible School, Concordia Lutheran Bible School, lessons, correspondence and programs.
File consists of lessons from the Lutheran Sunday School sent through the mail.
File consists of morning devotions from Dr. Schwermann.
File consists of reformation service material.
File consists of morning devotions, Dr. Schwermann.
File consists of bulletins, chapel service.
File consists of morning devotions, Dr. Schwermann and Lutheran Hour Sponsor (LLL) Certificate.
File consists of morning chapel material.
File consists of school opening, chapel addresses and prayers from Dr. Schwermann.
File consists of morning devotions, Dr. Schwermann.
File consists of Concordia Bible Institute minutes, lessons and correspondence.
File consists of morning devotions, Dr. Schwermann.
File consists of morning chapel schedules, devotions and hymns.
File consists of morning chapel devotions.
File consists of morning devotions from Dr. Schwermann.
File consists of correspondence, Dr. Schwermann.
File consists of a Booklet: A Guide for Our Worship.
File consists of morning devotions, Dr. Schwermann.
File consists of Chapel Offerings. Designation - Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Vancouver, B.C.
File consists of Annual Report, memo, policy on communion and postcard of chapel.
Index sheet included in folder inscribed: Awards banquet 1972, Basketball teams 1970-1972. Second Index sheet included inscribed: Hockey Teams 1969-1970, Field Day 1971, Field Day 1972, Girls Phys Ed (Miss Heil), Gr. XII Penny Arcade 1972. Third Index sheet included inscribed: The staff at Concordia; The College and Surroundings; Classrooms, Chapel, etc. ; Library Displays (1972) ; Graduation 1970.
File consists of active service volunteers, members who volunteered for Active Service with Canada’s Fighting Forces 1939-1945 list of names.
File consists of images depicting the construction work of rebuilding of Alumni Hall.
File consists of the Blue & White and the Concordia University College Blue and White.
File consists of the Blue and White.
File consists of the Concordia University College of Alberta Blue & White.
File consists of the Blue & White.
File consists of the Blue & White.
File consists of the Concordia College yearbook.
File consists of The Canadian yearbook.
File consists of the Canadian yearbook.
File consists of the Corona Borealis yearbook.
File consists of the Corona Borealis yearbook.
File consists of the Corona Borealis yearbook.
File consists of the Concordia College yearbook.
File consists of the Corona Borealis yearbook.
File consists of the Spiritus yearbook, "the context is christian - the purpose is people."