Affichage de 1210 résultats

Description archivistique
Board of Control
101.01.010 · Dossier · 1921-1930
Fait partie de Concordia College fonds

File consists of financial correspondence including budgeting, wages, tuition fees, cost of board, operating expenses, Edmonton Mortgage Corporation correspondence, Fire Insurance Company correspondence and balance sheets.

Board of Control
101.01.012 · Dossier · 1925-1927
Fait partie de Concordia College fonds

File consists of correspondence regarding property and buildings, including building plans and costs.

Board of Control
101.01.017 · Dossier · 1930-1936
Fait partie de Concordia College fonds

File consists of meeting minutes mostly in German, but include repairs, outstanding fees and a 1933 financial statement and board account.

Board of Control
101.01.020 · Dossier · 1932-1933
Fait partie de Concordia College fonds

File consists of Emergency Collection Committee reports, minutes, newsletter and correspondence.

Board of Control
101.01.035 · Dossier · 1922-1948
Fait partie de Concordia College fonds

File consists of a record of A.H Schwermann's trips by year, including mileage.

101.01.052 · Dossier · 1964-1971
Fait partie de Concordia College fonds

File consists of Advisory Committee long range planning including salaries, curriculum, faculty load, student services, administration, etc. 1970-1977 income, expenditures, and sources of funds. Land and building investments.

Alumni events
002.01.05 · Dossier · [198-]
Fait partie de Concordia University of Edmonton Photograph Collection

File consists of photographs and negatives depicting various alumni events during the 1980s including basketball games, concerts, cupcake competition, ice cream social 1986, and alumni attending Concordia events.

Alumni slides
002.01.19 · Dossier · ca. 1967
Fait partie de Concordia University of Edmonton Photograph Collection

File consists of slides depicting people in front of a 1867 Centennial of Canadian Confederation banner, the May Field Day, the landscape of the North Saskatchewan River, and young women in front of the St. Matthew's Lutheran Church in Stony Plain.

Career Centre
002.02.70 · Dossier · [196-]
Fait partie de Concordia University of Edmonton Photograph Collection

File consists of photographs depicting basketball teams, badminton in the gym, Field Days and outdoor games, basketball games, a hockey game, cheerleaders, and an aerial of the campus, freeway and surrounding neighbourhood, with hockey rink and field visible (ca. 1969).

002.02.73 · Dossier · [19--]
Fait partie de Concordia University of Edmonton Photograph Collection

File consists of photographs depicting the Concordia hockey team of 1924, the college skating rink 1923, Seniors 1936-1937, other hockey games and team photos from the 1970s.

002.05.08 · Dossier · 1979
Fait partie de Concordia University of Edmonton Photograph Collection

File consists of slides depicting an unidentified banquet held with people in attendance including Fred Bogner and his wife, Paul and Marilyn Scott, Jake Baron and his wife, Rick Willie and family, and R. Schlegelmilch.

Board of Control
101.01.066 · Dossier · Jun. to Aug. 1975
Fait partie de Concordia College fonds

File consists of minutes, correspondence, report and Teacher Evaluation Proposal "Toward Improving Instruction."

Board of Control
101.01.074 · Dossier · 1976
Fait partie de Concordia College fonds

File consists of COMPAC, the Concordia Master Plan Advisory Committee, proposed recommendations.

Board of Control
101.01.076 · Dossier · Jan. to Feb. 1976
Fait partie de Concordia College fonds

File consists of minutes, correspondence and reports including proposed and approved budgets and other institutional information.

Board of Control
101.01.080 · Dossier · 1975-1976
Fait partie de Concordia College fonds

File consists of the president's annual report including academic affairs, student life, business and financial management, public relations, admissions and recruitment, development and alumni relations, and looking to the future.

Board of Control
101.01.090 · Dossier · Jan. to Mar. 1978
Fait partie de Concordia College fonds

File consists of minutes, correspondence and reports. Includes gymnasium fire.

Board of Control
101.01.091 · Dossier · Apr. to Jun. 1978
Fait partie de Concordia College fonds

File consists of minutes, correspondence and reports and includes Capital Appeal re: affiliation with University of Alberta.

Board of Control
101.01.101 · Dossier · 1951-1953
Fait partie de Concordia College fonds

File consists of Concordia College Gymnasium construction and correspondence.

101.01.106 · Dossier · 1946-1950
Fait partie de Concordia College fonds

Ledger consists of payroll information, including student labour.

101.01.107 · Dossier · 1951-1955
Fait partie de Concordia College fonds

Ledger consists of payroll information, including student labour.

101.01.110 · Dossier · 1961-1972
Fait partie de Concordia College fonds

Ledger consists of capital expenditures.

President's Office | Roth
101.02.092 · Dossier · 1974-1976
Fait partie de Concordia College fonds

File consists of program proposal, Second Year University Transfer Program - submitted to Affiliated Colleges Committee.