Preacher is listed as Oliver R. Harms. Liturgists are listed as Rev. W. A. Rumsch, and Rev. W. F. Schoepp. Organist is Marvelyn Schwermann. The Chorus
Director is Rev. Albert H. Schwermann. The Officiant is Rev. Walter M. Wangerin, President of Concordia College. Guests include: Rev. W. C. Eifert, William Hawrelak, Anders O. Aalborg, Bernal E. Walker, and K. C. Stanley.
Eberhardt Hall
6 Descripción archivística resultados para Eberhardt Hall
File consists of Correspondence, re: Dedication Eberhardt Hall.
Table of contents: K-Day Parking Fundraiser–July 20-29 -- Elections Alberta Employment Opportunity -- Now Hiring-Residence Assistant -- Summer Counselling Services
Announcements mention Dr. Jamie Dyce, Nathaniel MacLellan, Zartaj Habib and Mirna Hanic.
File consists of correspondence, re: Eberhardt Hall Construction.
Table of contents: Round Dance– Sept 22nd -- Elections Alberta Employment Opportunity -- K-Days Parking July 20-29 -- Now Hiring-Residence Assistant -- Student Loan Workshop
Announcements mention Nathaniel MacLellan and Zartaj Habib.
Program for the ground-breaking ceremony for the girl's dormitory includes: a hymn; the meditation led by President Walter Wangerin; the litany for the ground-breaking ceremony led by Professor Guebert; and a prayer led by Donna Hippe, chairman of the coed council.