Alumni Hall

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              001.001.0006 · Stuk · 2 Nov. 1980
              Part of Concordia University of Edmonton Publication Collection

              Program consists of the renovated science wing and Alumni hall floor plans, and the service of dedication information.

              The liturgist is Rev. Richard Kraemer, Spiritual Life Co-ordinator. The dedicators are Rev. Walter Schienbein, Acting President, and Rev. Ed Lehman, President A-BC District. The preacher is Rev. Don Unterschultz, Member, Board of Regents. The lectors are Brent Kilback, Student Body President and Rev. Wayne Stuhlmiller, Dean of Student Affairs. Concordia College Choir directed by Prof. Gordon Hafso. The organist is Dr. A. Barry Bromley, Professor of Music. Names of the trumpet soloist, crucifer, torchbearers, and banner bearer are also included.

              Acknowledgments include architects, Mclntosh, Workun, & Chernenko; construction management, Graham Construction Limited; the Board of Regents Building Committee and various contractors.