Admissions and Financial Aid Office

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        Admissions and Financial Aid Office

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          Admissions and Financial Aid Office

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            Admissions and Financial Aid Office

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              Blue & White 2003-2004/Issue 09
     · Pièce · 5 Mar. 2004
              Fait partie de Concordia University of Edmonton Publication Collection

              Table of contents: Biased? -- Recollections -- Model U N -- Scholarship Opportunity -- Employment Opportunities -- Meet Your Meat-- The Back Page

              The Model UN article mentioned students travelling to Calgary and Ottawa for UN activities.
              Faculty and staff mentioned in this issue are Elizabeth Smythe, Linda Nollski and Dorothy Ritz.

              Blue & White 2003-2004/Issue 10
     · Pièce · 19 Mar. 2004
              Fait partie de Concordia University of Edmonton Publication Collection

              Table of contents: Biased? -- Recollections -- Model UN -- Scholarship Opportunity -- Employment Opportunity -- Meet Your Meet -- The Back Page

              The Model UN article mentions students travelling to Calgary, AB and Ottawa, ON, for UN activities.
              Faculty and staff mentioned in this issue are Elizabeth Smythe, Linda Nollski and Dorothy Ritz.

              Blue & White 2004-2005/Issue 01
     · Pièce · 27 Sept. 2004
              Fait partie de Concordia University of Edmonton Publication Collection

              Table of contents: Interviews -- Cooking Ideas for Students -- Cash Give Away -- Stuff You Need To Know

              Faculty and staff mentioned in this article are Garry Dombrosky, Barbara van Ingen, Dr. Ruth Glancy, Dr. Richard Kraemer, Dorothy Ritz and Linda Nollski.

              The article 'Living a Mission Beyond Service" details a student mission trip to Grandmother's Bay, Saskatchewan, Bella Bella and Klemtu British Columbia.

              Blue & White 2004-2005/Issue 09
     · Pièce · 28 Feb. 2005
              Fait partie de Concordia University of Edmonton Publication Collection

              Table of contents: Media Rant -- Cooking with BEER -- TV for Sale -- Reading Week Tips
              Announcements include a trip to Banff, AB, Lake Louise, AB, Hartely Bay, BC, Klemtu, BC and Kingcome, BC.
              Faculty and staff mentioned in this issue are Randy Ritz, Dr. John Hooper, Dr. Joy Berg, Wendy J. Grasdahl, Dan Mirau and Wayne Stuhlmiller.